Dangerously Discontent

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7 years later

"Sakhr,that's not a good thing! You shouldn't be so naive go ahead and do it" I warned him.

"But I shouldn't do it,isn't it wrong Mother" he resisted me.

He's just like his father.

"Go and join Amir and Amar" I said disturbed.

"Mum are you mad at me" he pouted and tapped me.

"It shouldn't bother you that much, go" I said now irksomely.

"Mum are you angry?" He's persistent.

I took his hand and left him in the other room.

Just like his father,why does he have to be like that? I shook my thoughts and began working again. It's very seldom that my past haunts me,I have forgotten every single thing.

I looked outside,it was sunny and bright. I washed the dishes and after cleaning the counter I sat on the window.

"Mum...look" he came with his drawing.

I smiled at him,my only reason to be alive,I love him more than my own life,if it wasn't for him I would've killed myself. I tried so.

I brushed my hair and the mirror reflected my image,I look the same. The same twenty three year old Mahnoor,who was kind and humble. My hair,shining and curling around waist like open waves. My eyes shining with same benevolence that I possessed before that gruesome year killed it all.

This large white room and open widows and fresh air makes me grateful.

I don't remember anyone,I don't have to remember anything.

The bell rang,someone was at the door.

Sakhr and Hana opened it before Ruqya could.

"He loves to open the new door" Ruqya laughed patting his back.

The door opened and it was Hamaan. I smiled at him.

He picked Sakhr up and said "I bought a gift for my son"
He was overjoyed and he picked Hana "I've got one for my princess too"

They all went in the room.

I stirred up a cup of coffee for him. Life is amazing here.
All the people around gentle and loving.

When they kids were asleep,they sleep usually around 8pm.

We all had dinner. A big joint family as it is,there are no hateful grudges. The apartments are divided each for one family. Three brothers live separately in these three apartments on different floors and have one meal of dinner together. And then we recite Quran and approach our rooms for sleep.

When I sat at the dinner table the doorbell rang again.

I opened the door.


"Aabish" I gasped,


He was there standing,my tears gathered. I was emotional.
He entered inside with Imran and I did not lose a word all the time throughout. Silently I ate staring him,my friend ....my best friend......

When everyone left for their apartments and the mess was cleaned up; I was alone. I saw him leaving.

I called "Aabish!"

"You both talk,I'll take a leave" Imran said as he left the silence behind.

"How are you?" I asked.

Dangerously DiscontentWhere stories live. Discover now