An Obstinate.

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I came out of the bathroom sweating profusely.
I opened my window and sat there.
Wrapped the shawl around me and closed myself.

"Are you alright Mahnoor?" Masirah asked looking at me.

I just nodded. I don't know why my anxiety is driving me out wretched. I sit here from morning till the dullness on the Sun rays turn dispatch to darkness. Safa tells I'm not the same,I agree and I won't ever be the same again,I keep changing. No changes are for better,nor for good.

It's been a tedious process, a longing month since I've returned from 'Firdous'.

I wanted to stay back so bad. Nothing worked.

My mind runs back to that night,a very faint flashback assembles.

"What's the time?" He asked.

I glanced at my phone,9:22pm.

He called for Masirah,she attended in about a few minutes. He advised her to request Mawra but in a way that's she doesn't tag along,she casually asked. Mawra wasn't well this morning,it wasn't a difficult guess that she would not join us.

He brought his car on the front entrance and we both accompanied him to miles away.

I was scared but I knew what he was doing. I wanted this to happen,it was the worst way but better late than never.

He parked along a small house. I was afraid, all kinds of emotions were running through me. Would I really do this?

He was doing it....if he can do it,if he can do this for me,I would do it.....

Initially after a lot of talking,an old man came out.

He was wearing all white,his skin speckled with patience,his sharp features and deep eyes were tiresome. Now it had been an hour since we drove from home. Around this village,night falls early.

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