A loss for a Gain.

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Mum has bashed me so brutally that I don't think I would ever think about returning nor do I feel anybody wants to ever see me again. To be honest,I don't want them if they don't want me. I hate how they are humiliating us every single minute. This is not a sin but we are doing everything to call on repentance.

I see Burhan,sad and lost. He doesn't smile,he doesn't talk and he sighs more than he breathes. I feel so bad for him,if only we did confess earlier this wouldn't happen.

Uncle has called all of us in the study room. Uncle Umar and Mum sat on the right extreme corner,I entered white and scared, Burhan held my waist and tilted his head to me before he leaded my way inside. I was quickly grasping the air,it was enraged. I could feel everybody's questions even they were quite. Once in the room, all of them settled.

I looked at Mehreen,she looked the most angered and the most devastated but I cared less. Now like my emotions have dispersed in the air,I don't care at all!

Uncle asked me "Whatever happened was wrong,now you see all this is shameful for us. What do you decide?"

I captured my voice from dissolving in me "I wish to stay with Burhan and I don't have anything against anybody,I never did. I was just in love with Burhan I saw nothing else,it was impulsive but we have did it. We're sorry....please now reckon your final statement"

"You don't sorry at all" Mawra grunted.

"That's not your matter to speak" I thought to myself.

"Mehreen,what have you decided?" Uncle now turned towards her.

"I need time" she said passing her tears through everyone's sight.

"If you want I can take here away for some days" mum whispered to Uncle.

I'm not going anywhere. Not with her at least.

"I don't know what sins have ended up into this situation in front of us! Alas! How petty is one sister bringing down the household of another!" Aunt taunted.

"Mahnoor I don't understand, what grave impulse!?" Aafiah shot at me.

"I doing know how to manage the people outside,what would I tell them? My son has married two girls who are sisters and they don't understand polygamy! I don't know how I would tackle all these questions. Even though in our community if they do allow these marriages they ultimately shun you,they never see you as a good man!" Uncle murmured.

"What can we do,these two have brought down all the name and honour in an instance. No words I have to console you." Uncle umar said looking away.

My blood was boiling,my strength regained. I hated how they were shaming us. Like every other person out there was more important than us.

"I would rather have chosen to be dead than see it all" Uncle lastly stated.

"Perhaps would've been better! Your son's character was just an act,his actuality has stunned! We've been greatly fooled!" Mehreen's dad bitterly said.

"You don't love him" I heard Aabish stating this from aside in a low voice.

"If you did love him,you wouldn't marry to see him so" He whispered as I looked over at Burhan covering his face and sobbing with his hands holding his tearful visage.

"All of him is gone Noor,everyone is asha-" he was ruining my state but I stood up. My anger knew no bounds,they have stamped over us and now they need know they are the wrong ones!

All sights turned to me,I'm tired of being loathed day and night!
I despise this irrational behavior!

I screamed "what is wrong with everybody! Islam states :if you love someone, you are free to marry them without violating attached certain bands. We haven't done anything wrong! This stupid society is not bigger to me than my religion! You people are vicious! You loathe us for marrying before we sinned! Oh perhaps you would've loved us to sin first than loathe us for not marrying! Oh lord I'm tired! That man did nothing wrong,you call him in a corner and humiliate him and curse his existence. He has done nothing wrong. Fear the lord! He is better than half of you sitting wrapped in false righteousness. Nothing for was more right than we did,why degrade our love if it happened beforehand, why hate us for we married,why do you bring us here to insult us just because we have confessed! Was that our sin?! That we have confessed!Should we have it hidden and did it behind your backs?! You come for us because we came to you all"

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