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"Even if I can't see you... Even if we are separated far from each other... I'll always be watching you. I'll definitely watch over you forever." - Makarov Dreyar, Fairy Tail


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I can feel my heart pound in my chest painfully as I stopped outside the house I'd become familiar with over these last months. But something was different, wrong.

It was eerily quiet on the entire street, the house looked dark, and the door left half open.

I slowly approached, looking about for anyone at all.Climbing the two steps to the door, I paused and peered inside. It was dark, the usual beer bottle laying around but apart from that, empty, making my heart thump against my ribcage more rapidly. It felt like it was hammering its way out of my chest.

Stepping inside, I flick the light on and look to the left, into the small, cramped living room, but again, it was dark and empty from what I could see with the light that the hallway provided.

Stepping up to the stairs at the right of the hall, I try to quietly climb up, trying to recall if it was step 6 or 7 that creaked and groaned under any form of weight. Quickly deciding to skip step 6, a brief moment of relief as I step over successfully without any noise before the feeling of dread quickly seeps in again, through my skin all the way down to my bone.

Making it to the second floor, which was just as quiet and dark as the rest of the damned house, I peer down the only narrow hall, containing three doors. But only one has my attention, the onethe furthest from the stairs, at the end of the hall. That was my goal, and the closer I slowly crept towards the plain wooden door, the harder my heart hammered my chest, it was now almost too painful to breathe at this point and I could feel perspiration beginning to form on my forehead and along the back of my neck.

Standing outside the door, almost too scared to touch it, I listened for any type of noise at all, but am only greeted by more silence. Its deafening in this moment though, the weight of it heavy on my shoulders and heart, and making the small hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand to attention, as if my body had its own alarm for danger.

Taking a deep inhale through my nose and gathering my courage, I grab the handle and push down. Exhaling, I push the door open slowly, listening to the creaking and the squeak of the hinges as it moved.

The sight inside of the room brought me to my knees like a ton of steel, the air knocked out of my body. My heart had obviously been trying to hammer its way out too hard because I felt it shatter to pieces inside of me, ripping everything in me to shreds as it did so.

The room was in tartars, the window letting in wind from the Scottish summer inside, and blowing the shredded curtains into the room, the small white and scratched up chest of drawers under the window had been knocked to the side, a drawer missing from its place and clothes strewn over in front of it. The covers of the bed were crumpled and half on the floor, revealing the stained sheets beneath them. There was papers and objects cast about, an obvious struggle had happened.

Leaning forward onto my hands, unable to keep up anymore at the sight laid before me, I felt the traitorous tears begin to fall from my eyes, and watched as a few fell onto the carpet beneath me.

After a moment, I lean back onto my haunches, trying to catch my breath, trying to let the reality sink in.

I was too late.

I was stupid.

And I was a fucking idiot!

Rubbing the tears away with the back of my hand, I give myself a hard slap. Now is not the time to wallow in self pity!

Starting to stand, something catches my attention. Something small and glinting at me from just beneath the end of the bed. Going over, I pick up the object and inspect it.

A silver chain with dog tags. A familiar chain with dog tags, one having 'GRANGER' embedded on it, the other with aseemingly random set of numbers, but I know better. The sight of the tags almost knock me over once again, putting my hand out and leaning against the closest bedpost. I cant give up. I need to do something.

With a new found determination, along with the already building desperation within me, I yank the chain over my head and pull my phone out of my back pocket and dial the one person who can help me. The seconds passing as I wait for them to pick up feel like an eternity before they finally pick up on the fifth ring, seemingly oblivious to my predicament

"S'up? What are you calling for at this time?" he sounds nonchalant, as usual, with me at least.

"Call a meeting, with everyone, in an hour." is all that I'm able, or willing, I'm not entirely sure at this point, to give over the phone, my voice and being feel too fragile for the moment to give much else. He seems to sense the urgency in me, as there's a pause over the line

"Ok, see you soon." is the only reply I get before the line goes dead.

I glance around the room once more, picking up the bagin the corner beside the drawers and shoving in some clothing. Before leaving, I look around, going over to the bed again I decide on picking up one more thing to take with me, before turning my back to the room, and I'm glad. It feels too toxic, too poisonous in there.

I don't know if ill survive, but I wont damn well stop until I get back what is mine.



So this will be my first chapter on WattPad, let me know what you think, always open to comments! hope you enjoyed it!

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