Chapter Fifteen

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"I think we dream so we don't have to be apart for so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time."
― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

 Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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  Have you ever had your whole world, universe even, crumble and crash around you? The remains turning to ash and blown away by a destructive hurricane? I was quickly learning exactly what that felt like, no matter what I could do or think, seemed utterly redundant.

That phone call, that single, short 5 minute phone call had ripped me to shreds within seconds, quickly leaving me numb, not really focusing around me or on the rest of the conversation for that matter, after two simple words. I was lost;

"she's gone"

I hadn't wanted to believe that horrendous claim at first, I refused to. However, no less than an hour later, standing out side Faith's house surrounded by police and a solemn looking investigator, her parents looking at me with faces twisted in agony, stained with tears. That's when everything crashes down around me. I don't remember crashing down to my knees, but that's where I found myself when my brain sluggishly started to process my surroundings again, a female officer with brown hair pulled back into a tight bun crouched in front of me, lips moving soundlessly. I try to concentrate on her mouth, and barely catch the jist of her inquiry, asking if there was anyone she could contact for me.

Ally and Billy was absolutely out of the question; I'd probably receive some sort of punishment. I'd normally turn to Faith, but now?

I numbly fumble in my pockets, holding my phone out. I realised a moment later I should probably tell her who to phone, but, I had no idea myself. She must had understood that I wasn't quite thinking clearly, as she took my phone, I could see her looking into my most recent messages before choosing a name, and holding the phone to her ear. She began talking, her tone sounded serious, but I just couldn't force myself to focus on the words. She handed me my phone back gently with a small sympathetic smile. I felt a small pat on my shoulder before I watched her form walking away to a police car a little a ways.

I couldn't move, stuck to the spot on the ground, tremors began to run through my body at some point, from the adrenaline crash, the cold or shock? I wasn't sure, maybe a mixture of all three. The people about me seemed to blur into the background, noise disappearing until all I could hear was the blood rushing through my veins and my heart thumping wildly inside me.

I felt a slight warmth covering me, the sound of someone speaking near by, my body being shaken. I blinked once, twice, three times, forcing my eyes to refocus in front of me, where someone was crouched. My eyes met dark swirling orbs, staring straight back into me. I realised he was speaking to me, and concentrated on him as much as I could, finally hearing again.

"...ome on, that's it, just focus on me Panda, that's my girl, deep breaths. In" He breathed in deeply. "And out" he breathed out. The more I focused on Seth, the more things I noticed, like how his hands were rubbing up and down my arms gently, in a soothing motion, or how I was now wearing what I assume was Seth's hoodie. Another tremor wrecked through me.

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