Chapter Twelve

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Please read A/N at the end, thankyou!

"Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word."
― George R.R. Martin, A Game Of Thrones

 Another week dragged by, with not much out of the usual happening

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Another week dragged by, with not much out of the usual happening. It seemed things were finally settling. School was school, I spent my days studying as much as I could, hiding away from the crowds – with the exception of meeting Seth at the start of lunch time for five minutes or seeing Faith – and concentrating my spare time between work and school on my art project, spending as much time as I could afford in my sanctuary. Work went by as normal, although Seth had kept his word, driving me to and from work instead of carpooling with Alec. He didn't seem to mind much though, as he was now moved into his new apartment. He had told me about how it was more affordable but he still was on the look out for a room mate. Most nights, at least one of Seth's friends would stop by the bar, usually there was 2-3 though, and they would hang about chatting for a while. Mr. Walker didn't seem to mind though, he actually seemed fond of the guys. I quickly got to know the guys better over the week. Zack, as I had already seen, was definitely the clown of the group, always joking about, even if it was at his own expense. Nate, despite his flirtatious nature, had showed up one night on his own, wanting to talk. The bar had been pretty quiet so I was able to listen to him talk about his worries. He had taken my advise, and asked Faith out on a date, and was stressing himself out over it. I later learned from Seth that Nate was never one to worry about something as small as a date, he had actually been on so many first dates that the group had stopped counting a long time ago. The fact that he was nervous over a simple date with Faith made me wonder how much he actually cared for her. It was possible he hadn't exaggerated when he had said he fell in love with her the night they met, like I had previously assumed. Either way, I had spoken to him, eased his worries that Faith would enjoy anything that he planned for her, that she was probably super excited about the date full stop.

And she was, she had jumped on me the next day at school, screaming in my ear about how she couldn't wait for their date on Friday.

Gregor became a quick regular, keeping his nick name of 'sweetheart' for me. He was charming and funny, but never overstepped any boundaries. He even scared off the occasional guy who tried to flit a bit too much, letting me relax a bit more in work without worrying about being groped by strangers.

Cole showed up one night as well (along with Zack, Nate and Gregor on this particular night) and spent an hour sitting at the bar with me, chatting about the future. He had asked me my plans, which I had told him weren't much. He told me about his online classes in the medical field, going to the occasional lesson in a near by uni. He wasn't training to be a doctor but he wanted the certificate for a paramedic, for if he ever needed to help someone. He was sweet, like a gentle, scary looking giant. I also noticed that night that Cole tended to stay back and quiet, watching everyone's surroundings. I wondered if it were a nervous habit, similar to mine, or if he just liked to be aware of everything about him.

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