Chapter Six

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"The only thing we're allowed to believe is that we won't regret the choice we made."

- Levi Ackerman, Attack On Titan

 - Levi Ackerman, Attack On Titan

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 Have you ever felt like your heart beats so quickly that it vibrates your ribs? That's how I feel right now, standing awkwardly in front of Seth Grangers house. Immediately my first reaction is to turn tail and leg it out of there, not looking back, but as soon as I've turned, Faith grabs my arm and drags me through the door, backwards. Damn that girl has some upper arm strength!

I hear Seth's deep rumbling laugh as he closes the door and follows me. I know this because Faith's still dragging me backwards and all Seth is doing is smirking at me.

After a moment, Faith stops and I stumble into her, trying to regain balance as I take the chance to look about.

We're in a living room, quite a large one, with a big flat screen TV taking up half of the wall opposite where we entered, a cute, homey looking fire place underneath, unlit at the moment, thank god (Who knows what would happen at a teen party with a lit fire!) To the far right is an open entry way to what appears to be a dining room, and to the left is a large bay window. In the centre of the room is a solid looking, wooden coffee table and a cream 4 seater couch, facing the TV. There's another singular matching cream chair to the right of the couch, angled towards the TV also.

Oh and there's about a dozen or so people hanging about. Some where on the couches, one pair of girls chatting away loudly, taking big gulps of whatever is in their glasses, it looks like it might be wine, and beside them is a large looking guy, his lap occupied by another girl who seems to be attempting to swallow his face. I wrinkle my nose. I could never understand how anyone found that fun or attractive to do, I hated it when Ally wanted to make out. There was four guys standing around the TV which seemed to be playing some sport. Squinting my eyes at the TV for a moment I realise it's a Rugby match, and the guys are cheering and shouting for some team I'm not even sure of, and they all have bottles of beer or cider in their hands, gulping it down in between shouts. The others in this rooms seem to be standing about either talking, dancing, with the exception of one guy in the far corner of the room who looked exceptionally intimidating. He was tall, maybe 5'10, I'm not sure, and wide with muscle. He had his arms crossed over his chest tightly, his eyes scanning over the room repeatedly, with an emotionless expression.

"What do you guys want to drink? We have it all!" Seth's voice pulls me out of thought, as I watch his back as he walks towards what I first assessed as the dinning room. Faith follows, grabbing my hand and tugging, letting me actually walk properly this time. We follow him through the dinning room, which was equally as large as the living room, the wooden dining table pushed up against the wall to the left of the entry way, littered with all kinds of snacks and food, and chairs lined the wall in front and to the right of us. In here people were mostly just drinking and eating, or using the space in front of the table to dance. Well, I say dance, really they all looked like horny animals, grinding and dry humping each other. The music was louder here, and I noticed the surround sounds peakers hung up in the corners of the room, and an Ipod dock sitting on the window sill opposite the entry way. I couldn't name the song,but it sounded vaguely familiar, probably something I'd heard on the radio or something.

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