Greek God

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Cole's POV

The atmosphere in this house have not gotten any better, the stranger still ignores me and her son the interrogator annoys me to no avail. I swear they’re like polar opposites in their interaction with me or lack there of. It’s been four weeks since I’ve been here and yes I'm counting the days, as I can’t wait to get out of here and ask my parents what the hell they were thinking when they thought this was a good idea. The only way I would ever forgive them, is if they answered that they were held at gun point other than that, there’s no other possible reasons to send your only child off to a foreign country where he is hated and alone. 

I thought I could have some sort of escape by going to the clearing, but ever since I saw that wolf two weeks ago I haven’t seen him since. Seems like everyone’s abandoning me, I don’t really blame them, if I could I would abandon me too, but sadly I’m stuck with my self all alone and unloved. 

My disheartening thoughts were beginning to get to me so I decided to take a walk to the town. I haven’t been there much since I’ve been here. Sure it’s not a big place but it’s not small either and there are always a lot of people mulling around and I don’t like large crowds. But I decided to chance it today because I fear I might scream at one of my relations. It’s so awkward and tense in this house, it’s like I’m walking through a fog on a road of broken glass. You have to be conscious of your every move. This wasn’t my home and I felt beyond uncomfortable so I tried to keep to myself as much as possible staying out of everyone’s way.

I left the house writing a note to say where I’ve gone in case anyone cared to know. I walked through the path in the forest that led to the town. I took in the beautiful sights that assaulted my eyes. The trees were swaying to a gentle breeze and the sunlight was dancing off their emerald leaves that seem to glow from the dazzling light. Every time the trees swayed the sunlight would filter through the branches lighting the path as I walked. It was such a magical sight that I couldn't stop the gasp of amazement that left my lips. I tried to capture this moment in my mind so that I could recreate it on paper. How could it be that the one time I leave my sketch pad would be the day that I see this magical side of nature?

I made it into town sweat dripping down my face, it was so hot and I was dehydrated so I took a gulp of the water that I had in my bag. I was walking around window shopping; I’d just walk away from the window of an antique store when I bumped into someone. “Oh my gosh I’m soo sorry.” I apologized.

“Oh don’t worry about it Deary” replied a motherly looking woman who’s eyes look so wise and knowledgeable it was as if she’s lived longer than her appearance stated. “Well I must be off” she said as she walked briskly away into the diner named ‘Joey’s’. I went to turn away and continue my activities when a glistening object caught my eye. I bent down to retrieve it and saw that it was a broach of a wolf. The design was marvellous, every detail was clearly depicted, it was as it you were looking at a real wolf only smaller and with jewels covering its body.  I figured it must have been the lady’s and it had come loose when I bumped into her. So I took off in the direction she went to give it back, after all it looked really expensive and she would surely worry if she thought  lost something this precious.

As I walked into the diner, I looked around to see if I caught sight of the lady. But none of the customers looked like her, so I’m guessing she’s some sort of staff since I didn’t see her leave as our exchange happened a little over 5 minutes ago. I went up to the counter where a pretty blonde was working the till. She looked over as I came up to her with a slight smile on her face, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. 

“Hello, welcome to Joey’s, what can I get you?” she enquired in voice devoid of any emotion, you’d think she practiced for hours to get it right.

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