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Hey guys I've decided to name this chapter Stacie changing the other to 'I Love You' cause that fits the chapter more. Plus this chapter has a lot to do with Stacie so I think it's fitting. 

Warning this chapter contains strong language. Other than that enjoy :) 


I can't believe it. He chose that fucking fag over me, that fucking ugly guy. He chose a guy! What the actual fuck? Who the hell says no to me? I've been nothing but nice to the bastard trying to get him to notice me and he chose a guy. A guy!

I knew something was wrong the first time Cole came to the diner. I mean Logan actually talked to me even if it was to do something Joey said, he always made a point to ignore me. I remember the way he said my name. I've always hated my name but hearing him say it was like bliss. And when he shivered at my touch I know he wanted me. So why the hell would he go with that boy? He's nothing but a boy, while I'm all woman and I can please him in more ways than one. What can the little brat do?..nothing that's what. The little fuck just learnt to frigging walk properly. 

I paced around the diner unwilling reliving what transpired between me and Logan and the feeling I felt when I saw him with his tongue down the throat of that disgusting little shrimp. I remember the feeling of utter shock and rage. I mean how dare he over look my attraction and go to a guy. Who the hell does he think he is calling me a spoilt bitch? He's an ungrateful bastard that wouldn't know beauty if it jump up and smack him in the face running him over with a fucking bulldozer. Beauty lies within my ass. What's the fucking point of it being inside you if no one can see it and all they see is a freaking troll. Bullshit! people like attractive people they are drawn to them. Who in their right mind goes checking for whatever it is on the inside. What a load of bull. The first thing people see is what you look like, they can't see your inside unless they're fucking superman. Even then I bet it's far from beautiful. 

Tired of pacing and being in the diner I left. 


Going into work the other morning I couldn't stop the of train my thoughts. They were all focused on Logan and whether or not he was serious about quitting. Entering the diner I saw Joey at at the counter wiping down, I looked around for Logan normally he and Joey would be here before I arrived. I didn't see him.

"Hello Stacie dear! how are you this fine morning?" This woman was too fucking cheery all the damn time it's like nothing gets her down. Sometimes I'm envious of how she lets nothing affect her and other times like today I find it fucking annoying. No one has the right to be that happy especially at this fucking hour. But like always I grin and bear it. I need this job to get the fuck out of here.

"Morning Joey, I'm good" I didn't return the sentiment to ask her how she was because firstly, I didn't give a fuck and secondly, If I did she wouldn't shut up any time soon. I donned the apron that I'm required to wear over my uniform before I started the task of preparing the diner for customers. I wiped off the tables putting the chairs on the ground and sweeping the ground. After that I went to get the supplies out of the storage we would be using today. Opening the door of the room, the lat memory I had in here slapped me in the fast. Little snippets of the conversation dancing around my mind as if taunting me. 

"You're gay?!" 

"You're a spoilt bitch." 

"There is never going to be a me and you." 

With those words replaying through my mind like a broken record, it settle my resolve. I saw Logan first, he was mine first so if I can't have him. No fucking way is that little fag going to put his grimy little hands on him. 

The day went on uneventful with Joey wondering where Logan could be. I told her he might be sick. I'm not going to tell her that he quits because he's not going to quit he's coming back here to work with me when we get together after I find a way to get rid of the fag. 

It was about a quarter past three when I got the perfect opportunity to get Logan to myself once and for all. I was wiping down one of the chairs in the back of the diner. I was in the corner partially concealed by the jutting column. This is when I over heard the two guys a table away from me. They were looking for someone. The guys were big and looked brutal. If they were standing I would say there were about six foot one. They had broad shoulders and an aura that clearing red danger. One of them had dark brown hair while the other had sandy blonde hair. 

The dark haired one was telling th eother about someone. "I heard he found his mate." he told the other one. What the hell is a mate? 

"How did you hear that?" Sandy asked. 

The other guy just tapped his knows. "Anyway know we know he has a weakness, all we have to do is get his mate. His name is Cole Viars, apparently he was staying with his grandmother but She up and left. All we have to do is find out where she lived and catch Cole. The guy said it didn't matter if he was dead or alive." Cole! they were talking about getting rid of Cole. I grinned at this. What a perfect opportunity. 

After hearing this I walked over to the table and both guys look up at me simultaneously. I put on my seductive smile and grin internally when I saw both of them checking me out. Yeah I got this. 

"So you guys want to find out where Cole lives." they looked shock that I had heard their conversation. I smirked cocking my hips on the table. 

"You guys really should learn to be more discreet." 

"What do you want lady?" The dark haired one asked none to politely. 

"I want to help you." I said simply. The both looked at me confused. 

"Why?" Sandy asked suspiciously. 

"Because I don't like the little fag." I said venomously. I watched as they both stared at each other before turning back to me. If I didn't know better I would say they were having some kind of a conversation. I shrugged it off I did know better. 

"Ok tell us where he is." I grin, soon Logan would be mine. 

A/N Ok who here hates Stacie more than ever? *raise hand*. Whoa who are the two guys and what's going to happen to Cole. DO YOU KNOW? NOPE BUT I DO. All will be revealed soon. *I'm literally jumping with excitement I can't wait.!!!!*

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