Forever Ends Too Soon.

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No, no , no!

That's all I could think as I raced to the clearing. I howled to signal the others sending a telepathic message to them. Cole is in danger get over to the second clearign NOW!.

I ran with all my might, I was almost at the clearing when I smelt it - blood. Cole's blood. No!

Breaking through the foliage of the trees I was greeted by a sight that was going to haunt me forever. Cole barely standing slumped against a biker that had a knife pressed towards his throat  wolf standing guard baring his teeth at me. Cole's clothes were tattered and bloody, long claw marks covering his skin. Along with knife carvings on his face. He looked close to death. 

Seeing my mate like that a red haze lowered over my vision, my wolf was in control and it wanted to rip those two apart.  I bared my teeth at the wolf, snarling. He came at me his own growl rumbling through his throat. 

Poor Logan. We once again got someone that you love, Tsk...I thought you would have gotten the hint already. Humans are weak they don't belong with our kind. Your mother sure did put up a fight, though in the end, it wasn't enough. You're mate however feisty as he is just no match for us and you're going watch as we end his life right here, before your eyes just like we did to your mother. Wonder if you'll recover from that this time. 

No! these were Redfern's men. What did they want now. I didn't do anything to them. 

Why are you guys after my mate.? I did nothing to you.

You got that right pup, nothing is exactly what you did. The reason we let you live a few years ago was to be a messenger. Apparently the message didn't get delivered. Well now we're here to shoot the messenger or in this case the next best thing you're mate. Taking you're father's mate should have been a good punishment but the man didn't even love the woman to begin with. You on the other hand would suffer more alive with your mate dead than whatever death we could give you knowing that it was your fault you're mate's dead.

No, no. This was all my fault. After finding out about my father's betrayal I couldn't stand to see him so I had ran and I didn't tell him anything thinking it would serve him right if he ended up dead. Now it was I that was suffering, my mate was slowly dying before me.

No he was not going to die. I just found him...he just began to feel comfortable around me. I couldn't lose him now. Suddenly I charged at the biker who had Cole knocking him over. My movement was unexpected which was why I caught him of guard. I used my teeth to grab onto the tattered material of Cole's clothes keeping him upright. The wolf charged at me and I kick out my hind legs hitting him square in the throat. I couldn't help be concerned at the lack of response i got from him. 

The man was getting back up and soon he was in his wolf form. He was a russet coloured wolf with very coarse looking fur. Shit I can't take both of them if I have Cole. Where the hell is the others.

Guys where the fuck are you?

Dude we kind of got our hands full here. There's a bloody infestation of wolves. Something about some Redfern dude who wants to claim this territory. 

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