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It's almost time young one. The battle is upon us, the battle of eons, of races. The battle of differences. You see the humans are not the only prejudice creatures. Sure they are governed by their desires, their greed. They journey the adventure and follow the path blindly in search of that which they deem to be the cure of their hunger and will quench their thirst. The path they so blindly follow however is just giving them a taste of the sweetest of poison, forcing them into the way of inveiglement unable to stop themselves as they crave more.

Power it has an inconceivable hold on these mortals they crave it so much even though they know it to be the demise of many.  We claim that our intellect far surpass that of any mere mortal and yet we follow in the footsteps of their mistakes. We judge them on their weaknesses yet fail to see our own. We know humans fear what they do not understand. It's not that they can not understand it but they limit their knowledge to that which they surmise to be logical. Any human that wonders out of the boundaries of logic are perceive to be merely aberrant. By engaging in this so call war between these mortals we are no better than them, knowing that we are far greater in power this is not a war but a slaughter.

"What do you mean?" After the blinding pain, the light got brighter, until it seemed to have consumed my body. I could feel it, if that's even possible. I mean how do you feel light? Sure you feel the warmth that it emits but this was different it was as if I was really feeling the light itself. Now I find my self surrounded by the glowing moving particles as the voice goes on about some war.

Merely that we know the consequences of our actions, we foresee the outcome before it happens yet our race engage in this war that the humans are blindly advancing when we know we will be the victors. Our race is known for it's compassion, it's understanding and empathy, yet we throw all that away to engage in a war for the sake of personal issues. That is the lowest our people can deign. We are the race that all others look to for guidance and here we are under the misguided hand of an ill fit king we are marching to eradicate the lives of many.

"What does this have to do with me?" I enquired. I was a bit confused, why was I hearing a voice inside my head? Was I going crazy?

This has more to do with you that I can tell you at recent. Know this however young one, in the beginning your life may not have been a good one. Look at it as preparation for what is to come. There is a reason your parents were not there. There is a reason for the hate your grandmother bestowed upon you, a reason you met Logan. Everything happens for a reason. The challenge in life is not only to overcome the obstacle that it presents but to understand the reason behind it.

It's time for you to awaken I know some one who is waiting for you. One more thing when life presents you with happiness. No matter how short a time it seem that you may have it for, hold onto it and cherish it, because some never get the chance to experience the happiness that you are trying to leave behind. 

"Wait I still don't understand what this has to do with me, and who are you and how do I know I can trust a word you say?"

When the time is right all your questions will be answered. As to who am I? I am you and you can only trust me by trusting yourself. You see Cole you are so much more than you know. So much, you've just got to embrace it. It's there, waiting for you to release it so it can shine. But first you have to open your heart.

And with that the voice receded and the light went out leaving me in darkness. As the light finally died out completely I could hear the sound I've come to love most in the world in such a short time, Logan's voice. 

"Cole? wake up please. Come on Cole, don't leave me, wake up." I could hear desperation and sadness in his voice, which made my eyes snap open.

"L.Logan?" I croaked, ugh why was it when I was around him my voice had a hard time sounding normal. 

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