The voice in the light

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 Dedicated to Eclairpsp, love your reaction to the first dedication so ther you go :D


Have you ever experience the feeling between consciousness and unconsciousness? It's dark, daunting and dull. It's like being trapped in your own body. There is a sense of being, but it's almost like you're not quite there. Like you're hanging on the edge of consciousness; trying not to fall into the dark abyss of oblivion below.

I was aware of the things that were happening around me but it was all surreal, it seem to be separate from reality, I could hear but everything was muffle. I could feel when someone touched me but it's was just the essence of being touch that surrounded me not the feeling. It's like all my senses were dull. Nothing seeming real. That's what scared me the most not the darkness, no when you've a life like mine, in a world on your own silly things like being in the dark have no effect on you. it's the fear of reality fading that got to me, I don't want to be stuck inside my mind. It's not a place I would want anyone to ever have to go. 

The more time passed and I was still stuck in this state of being but not, the more the memories flooded through my mind. 

Memories I thought I'd forgotten.

Memories ranging from when I was five years old. Memories I didn't even know I had, it's like all these were stored in my mind locked away. Now they were flooding my mind, like like a tsunami forcing me to remember, but remember what? I don't know. 


(Five years old)

I was in my room when I got thirsty and went downstairs to ask my mum for some water. As I got closer to the stairs I could hear my mum crying. 

"He didn't get it Jonathan. He doesn't have the gene." she sounded disappointed.

"I'm sure he just a late bloomer Susan, he will become one of us, it's in his genes." my dad replied trying to comfort my mum.

"Yes it's in his genes Jonathan but it's only half. What if he's a hybrid? what if it never happens? My family is not going to like this.They already think I made a mistake in choosing you, I can't have them using this against us. He needs to turn now! for the sake of us being together." My mum was shouting now. I stood frozen at the bottom of the stairs. I didn't like it when my mum shouted, that means she was cross at me.

"What are you saying Susan? Don't you think this is affecting me as well, I went against my parents wishes. My parents hates your kind but yet I still didn't let you go. I stayed with you despite what my parents think, but you can't do that can you? All you think about is what your parents think. What happened to what I think? What happened to the time when only my opinion mattered." 

"Johnny, I love you, I chose you regardless of what my parents said. Your opinion does matter, but my parents are already against us and this marriage, we really don't need to add more fuel to the fire, we need that child to turn now. He's a boy he should have turned when he was four and you said give a year I did, he's five years and six months and still nothing I turned when I was three, three Jonathan!" my mum said sounding very upset.

I walked towards the living room I didn't like how upset my Mum sounded. It made me sad.

"Mummy?" I said as I made my way closer to her.

Her head snapped up to look in my direction. "Come here baby." she said as she held her hand out to me. I went over and climb up into her lap.

"Are you ok Mummy, why are you crying?" 

"Listen baby, Mummy needs you to do something, can you do something for Mummy?" I nodded. 

"Ok I want you to close your eyes really tight, I want you to think of a bright light, can you see a light baby?" 

"Yes Mummy." I answered eyes still closed.

"Good boy, now I want you to call the light to you in your mind. Call it really loud like when you're calling me." With eyes closed tight I did what she said. I called the light to me, it didn't come, but there was a voice. 

No young one, it's not yet time for you and I to become one. Now go back the time will come. When that time comes I will be the one to call you. 

I opened my eyes to see my mum looking down at me with disappointment written clearly across her face. She handed me over to my dad with a sigh. "Looks like he more your child than he is mine." She said as she walked out the room. 


(Eight years old) 

"No! I can't take this any more it's been three years Jonathan! Face it! he's not a late bloomer, he's a disappointment. If he doesn't have it now. He never will and apparently he doesn't." The sound of shouting woke me up out of a sleep I'd just fallen into. 

"Susan stop shouting, calm down!" my dad replied sounding tired. My parents have been fighting constantly. I know it's about me, they are disappointed in me for some reason but I don't know what. I tried my best to please them. I get high marks in all my subjects, I never cause trouble. I never ask them for anything unless I really need it. Still it seem like my mum hardly notice any of it the only thing she notices, is how I'm 'abnormally' quiet (her words not mine), how I have no friends.

"Calm down! calm down, Jonathan, he doen't have the gene. We can't take him with us and we need to get back. I've spent long enough here and I want to go home and now I find out that I can't because he can't turn." My mum was in tears now. I could her it in the shakiness of her voice. 

"Shh honey, we can go back without him.You'll get to visit you're parents everything we be fine." It seems my dad must have calm down my mum because I didn't hear anything after. With lots of questions going through my mind I found it hard to go back to sleep. Eventually tiredness override the confusion waging in my head and I fell asleep. 

After that night my parents became distant. They were called away on business constantly. I don't even really know what job they had. When I'd ask Mum had said they own an international company. which one? I don't even know. Summer holidays were no longer spent together but with me home alone after all as my mum said I was a big boy I could take care of myself. 


As the memories flooded through my mind, my sense became more alert, I could actually feel. The soft cotton of the bed sheets cocooning my body. I could feel someone touching my me. Trails of warmth remaining wherever I was touched. My forehead, my cheeks, my nose and then my lips. As the warmth spread through me I realise that this felt familiar, I was being kissed. The kissed deepened as more pressure was added to my lips. I felt a shock go through me as if I'd touched a live wire. The feeling forced a gasp from my mouth. 

The person pulled away, only to come back full force. The intensity of the kissed brought back memories I was kissing Logan and as much as I wanted to pull away because I know it would end badly I couldn't. For some reason him being the first thing I touch when I woke up filled me with warmth. It made me love him even more. 

I felt Logan pulling away and start kissing him back, he hesitated for a second before he attacked my lips. The kiss was passionate, it was filled with so much emotion; it took my breath away. I could feel it all; the most potent love. He loved me!

I was caught up in the kiss, riding on a high when I behind my closed lids a flash of light came out of nowhere. A voice following it. 

It's almost time young one, we will soon be one.

I felt strange after that, there was a burning in my eyes. "What the fuck?" I heard Logan say as the burning in my eyes got more intense. 

"Arghhh!!!" I cried before, the pain got too intense then I black out. 

A/N yeah another update. Do you guys love me!! <3 

Remember to vote and comment. Seriously you guys comment on the other chapter made my day. So lets do it again tell me what you guys think..

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