I Love You

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"No way, you're gay!!" Stacie shouted seeming to still be in disbelief, if her fish out of water expression was any indication. 

I stood there silently watching her, Cole held firmly in my arms as her gaze never seemed to waver from our interlocked bodies. I could feel the heat radiating off Cole as he blushed and buried his face in my chest, probably embarrassed at getting caught. I smirked, he's just too cute and he was all mine. 

Stacie seemed to snap out of her initial shock as her eyes turned cold and she stared at Cole's back with an icy expression that could freeze the whole ocean, I shifted my body so Cole was out of her line of sight at that her gaze snap to me. 

"I don't get it, why him? I've been trying for two weeks before you even knew him to get you to notice me and  he comes along and you choose him." 

"I mean he's not even good looking and I'm hot, plus he's a guy that's just disgusting and wrong. Guys shouldn't be together it's not natural, it's a freaking abomination." she all but shrieked.

I could feel Cole stiffen as every word seemed to pierce him. That made me angry how dare she condemn the union of mates and called the love we have an abomination. I was so angry that I could feel my wolf coming forward, clawing at me to be release and tear the insolent girl who dares to mock his choice of mate to shreds, If it wasn't for Cole whose body was pressed so close to mine as if he was trying to mold himself to me and hide then, I was sure Stacie wouldn't still be standing. I rubbed my hand up and down Cole's back trying to comfort him as I knew the words were making him feel insecure.  It's bad enough that his parents are disappointed in him for some unseemly reason, disappointed enough to just leave him, but it's a whole other level when some one starts verbally attacking you because their a spoilt bitch who think they can get everything they want. 

I turn my piercing glare onto Stacie making her flinch back as if I'd hit her...oh how I wanted to but my mom raised me never to hit a girl, there's never been a moment that I wanted so strongly to go against the lessons she taught me. 

"Never talk about Cole that way again, he his so beautiful in ways you won't even be able to compare to. His beauty is not only external but he is even more beautiful on the inside something you can only hope to achieve....beauty from within you spoilt bitch. There was never going to be a me and you even if Cole wasn't here, because before I knew you I wanted to be with him. And how dare you condemn the love we have... you would consider yourself lucky if you could feel half of what I feel for Cole from someone, but even then I bet it wouldn't stop you from being a cold, calculating, manipulative bitch." 

With that I gently pulled Cole with me as I walked out of the storage room, going through the double staff doors I turned back to Stacie who was standing in the same position her back to me. "Oh yeah tell, Joey I quit."  then I left with Cole close to my side. I walked all the way to the clearing with Cole but none of us said a word. Once at the clearing I stopped and turned to face Cole who was staring at the ground. 

"Cole...?" he didn't look up. I went to lift his chin but he turned his face away and I heard him sniff. Was he crying? I wanted to go back and rip that girl to shreds fro making my mate cry. "Baby look at me." still he kept his face away from me. 

"Why do you like?" the question was so unexpected that it took me a moment to answer. "What do you mean?" I asked him, staring and trying to get him to look at me. 

"Why do you like me? Is it because I'm your mate? Are you forced to like me? I mean I don't get it you've got Stacie practically throwing herself at you and she's right she is hot and I'm not plus I'm a guy. It's wrong. If you like Stacie or any other girl you can go be with them you know, you don't have to stick around me, because of some sort of bond that you feel. I can handle it." I stood staring at my mate in shock. Was he for real? What the hell has he been smoking to out such ridiculous thoughts into his head, did he momentarily went deaf when I was talking to Stacie? Did he hear nothing that I said. I snapped out of my shock state when I saw a tear fall from his face. Oh baby.

I brought my hand up to his face and lifted his chin so he was looking at me, he tried to turned his face away but I held on firmly yet gently. "Babe if you believe that why are you crying?" I asked as I used my thumb to wipe a lone tear making it's way down his cheek. 

"I-I d-don't know, I know it's selfish but I don't want you to leave me too. I'm sorry." I brought my other hand up to his face cupping it between the two staring into his sad eyes that looked so lost. 

"Cole listen to me, I take back what I said before about only leaving you if you ask, I will never leave you....ever. Even if you beg me to I won't, I can't leave your side. I need to be with you always, I love you and not because of 'some bond' as you say but because, you are the most beautiful person I know inside and out, you're so strong to go through all you have and to trust me, look at the army you have ready to follow you into battle. Cole you are so much more than you know. There's no need to be sorry for not wanting me to leave if I had my way you would never leave my side." I smiled down at him gently staring deeply into his eyes trying to convey everything I say so this time he gets it, instead of feeling insecure, there is no way I would leave this angel. 

"I love you Cole, only you forever and always" He nodded.

"I-I l-love you too."he whispered, if it wasn't for my werewolf senses I would have missed it. I drop my hands in shock. 

"What?" I had resign myself to the fact that I would have to wait for a very long time before I heard those words uttered to flowing from those sensuous lips. Cole blushed and then looked away. "N-n-nothing." Oh no you don't, you can't just say you love me and just take it back. 

"No not nothing, what did you say?" Yeah  know what he said but I wanted to hear him say it again.

I could see his face go an even darker shade of red. "I-I said I love you too." with those lovely words a smile lit up my face. 



"Say it again."

"I love you?" he repeats questionably 

"Again." I felt like I was going to burst with happiness just hearing those three beautiful words. 

"I love you." he said again. 

"I love you too...so much." I said pulling his face to me before brushing my lips against his once, twice then I plunged my tongue between his plump lips, taking dominance over his mouth, his tongue battled with mine trying to fight for dominance but I wasn't having it. I slid my hand up his shirt, gently massaging his chest, going higher to pinch his nipple, he gasp and I took the chance to plunge my tongue deeper into his cavern of heat.

Cole wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer, running his hand up my back causing me to shiver, he panted against my mouth. I pulled away to take a breath before kissing down his neck and collar bone. I could feel his legs start to buckle, so I slid my hands under his legs pulling his legs around my waist, this cause our lower regions to rub against each other. I groan as COle moaned deep and breathy into my ear. I pulled away trying to regain my selfcontrol before I take him right there in the clearing. 

He stared in my eeys as he uttered the words that I would never get tired of hearing. 

"I love you." 

I pecked his lips. "I love you too."

A/N Yay they said it!! whoop so tell me what you guys think about this chapter

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