Glowing eyes

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 Dedicated to SusanCorrea because she was the closest to the secret. the glowing part .:)


So I've been sitting here for the last hour staring at cole's face trying to figure out what the hell happened. I mean one minute we were kissing and it was complete bliss and then...his eyes.

They were glowing!

It wasn't his normal colour eyes either, where as Cole's were a dark ocean blue. This time it look like deep in the depths of the sea dark, no colour. It was like I was looking into the very depths of the ocean. How could that be though.

I was looking for him to wake either being the same or suffering from some injury from his encounter with the wolf; something along the lines of a mild headache from the wound in his head. Never had I imagined him waking up with black glowing eyes!

What's even worst is that I could tell he was in a lot of pain. Just before he passed out he screamed it was filled with so much pain; it sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't bare the thought of my mate being in pain.

I sat there in agony for the first 15 minutes, while he struggle and writhe in his state of unconsciousness. All I could do was watch him; yet again the feeling of helplessness settle over me. Why is that whenever my mate is hurt, in pain, or needs me I can never help him. I didn't help him with is relatives who I'm sure were neglecting him. no wonder he looked so skinny, I barely got there in time with his encounter with the wolf. Now I'm here just watching as he struggles to fight some inner demon and what could I do? Nothing.

I'd called the doctor after that rather shocking awakening, I might not be able to trust his word but he's the only thing I've got right now. He basically said that it was the stress acting up and that i just needed to let him now I was here and he would calm down. I wanted to yell at him and tell him that stress no matter on what level does not make a person's eyes glow and change colours, but of course I couldn't. I mean I don't know what the will happen but i know this is not something to share with anyone. Especially humans. 

I did take the doctor up on his advice though, the one about letting Cole know that I was here. I may have failed him but I will always let him know that I'll always be by his side. So I've been sitting here now for the last hour randomly talking about stuff and holding his hand. It seem to have worked because he stopped thrashing. 

"So Stacie said 'They're ruining my life!'  to which Joey replied. 'Young people these days everything ruins their life, no wonder some of them never make it anywhere.' Then Stacie scowled and walked away." I was now telling Cole about one of the many arguments that arose between Joey and Stacie. Those two were always on about something or the other.

Speaking of joey she had come in here to check on Cole after the doctor had left. She was thrilled that he was on the verge of waking up, but I could tell she was sad as well. I mean when he wakes up he'll want to know what he's doing here instead of at his Granmother's place. Then I'll have to tell him about how they left him. They just up and left him in a foreign country with no other relative. What kind of cruel heartless selfish bastards were these people? 

How is he going to feel when he wakes up and his family is nowhere to be found?

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