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This chapter is dedicated to jnel2012 because her comment on the last chapter made me laugh...violent much :P 

Ok so this is the second par of the last chapter hope you enjoy it. 


I can't believe I had sex with Logan. Don't get me wrong I don't regret it at all I'm just shock that I did. I mean for all my life I've felt like no one approves of me. No one loved me no here I am with the greatest guy ever who marked me as his. Logan, my Logan, passionate, kind, loving, protective Logan. God I loved him. 

I almost didn't want to part from him, but I know he felt guilty about just quitting like that with out explaining anything to her and I know he asked me to go with him but I just didn't want to face Stacie. She is psychotic. Every time I'm around her I feel like she's just seconds from ripping my throat out and I've never done anything to her. 

I made my way easily to my new favourite place in the forest. The place where I gave everything to the man I love. Reaching the clearing it didn't take long before the memories assaulted my mind. The picnic, the petals, making love to Logan who was so gentle and passionate, the feeling of him marking me, of reaching a complete high, of cuddling with Logan as I drifted off into bliss. 

IF you could refrain from thinking about it, that would be much appreciated.

I was close to the lake now, stopping short at the voice. I blushed beetroot when I registered what he said after getting over the initial shock of him talking to me when I was awake. 

"Why were you listening to my thoughts?" I asked completely mortified. No my own thoughts weren't my own. 

It wasn't so much me listening as it was you projecting them, directly to me. I have yet to conclude why it may occur to you that I have a need to know what transpires between you and you're mate.

"What I don't think you need to know anything, What do you mean I projected my thoughts." 

Hmm it seems you have acquired a skill you did not know about, maybe it is to do with you mating the wolf. Essentially what it means is that you can project your thoughts and it is evident that you have subconsciously practiced that skill on me. 

"OK." Wow. I can project my thoughts. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not seeing as I just projected my most personal thoughts to, spirit me. I still don't know what to cal this guy. He hasn't told me who he is just that he's a part of me and that when the time is right all will be revealed. 

"Does that mean you can only hear my thoughts if I project them to you, when I'm not directly talking to you I mean." 

No I can hear your thoughts though I tend to block them. Remember I am a part of you I know everything you think about all your memories, everything. I however tend to block off you're current thoughts when for example you're with your mate. There are things I don't feel the need to know.

I felt the heat rush to my face. Ugh I'm no longer have my thoughts to myself. I wonder if he can hear me now. 

Yes I can.

Damn no privacy. 

Anyway young one, before your thoughts distracted me I did have a reason for talking to you now. I will have to leave you. 

"What do you mean leave me, I thought you were  apart of me?" 

I am but also I am not, I can leave your person as I'm not connected to you in a way that would be threatening if I departed. I have to go back to where I came from as I have received some distressing news. I will have to leave today. I will be back soon. 

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