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WARNING: This chapter contains sexual content viewers discretion is advised. 

On that note proceed. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think.


Cole's been moping around ever since his last training, three days ago. Leon's been AWOL and all the others are training or have this or the other errand to do. All in all I think they're avoiding Cole. No doubt Leon told them what happened and because of Cole's past they're scared. Scared of what? I don't know. 

I've been staying with Cole at his grandmother's house. At first the house gave me the creeps, the animal head all over the walls especially in Cole's room. I had to take them down, that was just sick, the fact that someone would take a life just so they can say yeah I caught this or that. Humans a lot of them are sick people. Cole told me how he had asked his grandmother if he could take them down and she said no they were to honour his grandfather's memory. What kind of honour do you get from slaughtering innocent animals? What kind of honour comes from hanging their empty caracasses upon your walls lying on your floors? That's just wrong and immoral. 

I couldn't help think what Joey would say if she say this, she loves animals. she'd probably say something like ' Poor dearies I can't believe people would do such a thing to innocent creatures." I haven't seen Joey since, the encounter with Stacie a week ago. I hope she's doing OK. I can't help but worry about her but I know she's tougher than she looks. She'll be OK, I'll check up on her tomorrow. 

I laid in the bed and watch Cole as he slept. He looked so innocent when he sleeps, like a little boy all curled up to my side, his fingers light splaying over my chest. His soft, pink lips lightly parted as he breathed softly. Golden hair tousled framing his face, as his lashes contrast against the subtle sharpness of his cheek bones. He was like an angel. My angel. 

Shifting slightly I lowered my head to place a kiss on his forehead making my way down to his lips. I kiss his eyelids and watched as they fluttered open, uncovering the rarest jewels in my eyes - his eyes- I smiled at him before going down to his mouth and brushing my lips against it, once, twice. I licked his bottom lip slowly and watched as his breath caught. I then peck his lips before gathering him up in my arms. 

"Good morning babe." he blushed and lowered his head before returning my greeting. I placed my hand under his chin, so that he would meet my eyes. "Don't do that, don't hide your face. I want to be able to look into your eyes. They're beautiful." His blush which was now receding came back full force. I could see that it took a lot for him to no drop his head. I think it had to do with the fact that my hand was still holding his chin. I cupped his cheeks between my palms and looked into his eyes. he blush grew darker as his eye flitted about looking at everything except directly at me.

"Why?" his eyes strayed to my face for a second before darting away looking at the wall intently. "Why what?" he asked.

"Why is it that you can't look at me for more than a few seconds or sometimes don't look at me directly?" This has been plaguing me for a while, at first I thought he was just shy, but then I watched him interact with others and even though he doesn't stare he looks at them longer than he looks at me. Maybe I'm jealous but I don't care I want him to look at me. 

"Uum..." he glance at me uncertainly before lowering his eyes again. See what I mean.

"Do you think I'm ugly?" yeah I know I sound insecure but you would feel insecure if your mate couldn't even look at you for even a second. "What?" his head snapped up his gaze piercing mine. " I don't think you're ugly, I think you're the most handsome guy I've ever seen. That's why..." he trailed off. 

"Why what?" I had to know, he thought I was handsome so why doesn't he look at me?

"Because you look like some kind of Greek God and I'm so plain; every time I look at you I can't help wondering why does he like me. I feel so average and I know you said I shouldn't but I can't help it that's just the way I think and feel. Every time I look in your eyes I feel like I'm going to fall and I don't want to fall if you're not going to catch me. I know I should trust you to and I do. I just can't seem to let yeah." 

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