Chapter sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I don't think I was thinking when I ran.

I didnt think of the consequences of mu actions.

I just ran and ran and when I was out of breath, I didn't stop.

I  reached my car and jumped in, shoving the key in the hole and bringing the engine to life.

The car roared and sprung forward, my feet pressing on the gas pedal with as much force as possible, ignorant to the obvious cameras hung by the traffic signs.

I reached the usually fifteen minutes ride to the hospital in less than ten minutes and parked the car carelessly to the side.

My feet did all the thinking for me. With every step I grew closer and closer until I slammed into the Service area.

"Blade Russell," I choked out, breathlessly.

"Family visitors on-"

"I'm his sister!" I interrupted.

She raised her eyebrows at me," Second floor, room 28, follow the yellow tiles to-"

But I was already gone. I reached the  elevator and shoved my body in before the doors closed.

I ignored the people inside and pushed on the number two button, shaking anxiously as the doors closed.

When they reopened again, I sprung forward and ran around, searching for room 28 but I became more confused when the hallways became slimmer and stranger.

I looked at the sign besides  the elevators that read basement and cried out loud in frustration.

I ran towards the stairs and flung open the door to floor 2, coming  face to face with room 28.

I went to turn the knob but the door opened and the same doctor that talked to me last time stepped out.

"Emerald, right?" he began and closed the door.

I paused halfway on my tippy toes, attempting to steal a quick glance at blade inside and sigh.

"Can you move please? I gotta-" I began to snap but he stepped forward, pushing me back with him.

"Emerald, emerald, relax," he grabbed my shaking hands," he'll be fine. Nothing Serious. It's the same thing that happened to you last time."

"Nothing serious expect the fact that his wolf is separating from him!" I snapped," this is all my fault-"

"It's not your fault only,  it's both your faults."

I finally managed to get back my bruised  hand and looked at him," this is not the time to confront me about this! He needs me-"

"He does need you, but you need to know this more. If you two don't find a way to be together, you'll both be fainting all the time for your whole life! It'll be hell!"

"But the packs-"

"Find a way emerald! I know I don't know you much, but from what I've seen, you only look at the obvious. You don't look at the possibly of life that might just possibly save your life!"

One Mate and a RejectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora