Chapter 23

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The annoying sound of everyone enjoying themselves downstairs, singing and eating the mouthwatering breakfast brought an ache to my head.
It annoyed me even more that Amanda was also enjoying herself, singing the loudest and most off key.
How do you get Happy Birthday off key?
"Happy birthday to Jason! Happy birthday to you!" they all completed in a loud shout.
My stomach rumbled as I imaged the food mom had made one more time.
Strawberry pancakes, vanilla ice cream waffles and pops chocolate cereal...
No, I thought, stop! Focus on your homework. You can't go there. Jason and Amanda are down there!
I went back to doing my work and realized I've been reading question five, but writing the answer on question six.
"Ugh!" I groaned and erased it all.
I began to work again and suddenly, I remembered Blades arms holding me tightly and his lips on mines.
I blushed.
No one was around and still I blushed. Pathetic.
I dropped my homework and lay on my back with my head dangling backwards from the bed.
It's impossible to focus with Jason's birthday breakfast going on downstairs and the fact that less than an hour ago, me and Blade had been tangled up on this very bed, our lips attacking each other like it was the best candy ever.
Getting my homework done was out of the question because no doubt I was not about to forgot what happened.
I let out a sigh and wished some more for Blade to be right next to me.
My body urged for him in a way it never has for anybody.
With Jared, I urged for his lips but with Blade, I urged for everything.
His presence, his touch, his body.
Specially his body.
I blushed harder and turned around to yell into my pillow.
After about ten minutes of fantasizing about Blade and moms food, I finally had enough.
I jumped off of the bed and headed out into the hallway.
My shoulder bumped into somebody as I went to turn the corner.
"oh," I muttered when I saw that it was Jason and stepped around him but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.
"Wait," he said.
"What do you want," I said without turning around," I'm hungry."
"I know about last night."
I rolled my eyes and turned around," What do you mean?"
"Don't play stupid with me Emerald."
"Maybe if you stopped beating around the bush, I wouldn't have to."
"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're acting like a dumbass about it to avoid it."
"Wow Jason, you'rw apology is so sincere," muttered sarcastically.
"I have nothing to be sorry for. I know who was in your room last night."
I nodded and pretended to look as if I was thinking hard," oh yeah, a lot of people, there was me, myself and even I came."
"Your the hardest person to confront, you know that? I smelled another wolf inside you room last night, I wasn't born yesterday."
"You're right, you were born the day before."
"Stop it Emerald! Stop treating this like it's a joke!"
"Because it is a joke! Even if I did have a werewolf in my room, it could have been Lisa, John or anybody else!"
"I sensed a male scent. A very strong male scent and when males are aroused, you can sense them meters away."
I tried to stifle my blush," So what? You didn't used to care when Jared was here."
"He never slept in your bed for the night Em."
"Who do you think it is?" I placed my hands on my hips.
"I sensed an alpha and there's only two alphas in our town. Jared's father and Blade, and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have Jared's father in your bed."
"Than I guess it's pretty obvious who was in my bed, isn't it?" i raised my eyebrows.
I stepped away from him and headed down the stairs.
I paused halfway when I heard something break but then kept going.
Sunday arrived slowly afterwards and I found myself feeling refreshed as I waved goodbye to Amanda.
Jason, who was done hugging mom and dad, came towards me, his arms stretched wide, as if aiming for a hug.
Hell no, I thought but was forced to hug him back due to the fire in moms eyes.
Before he pulled away though, he whispered in my ear.
"Don't be a traitor like his father."
"I'd rather be a traitor than some have dead, half a live thing," I whispered back and pulled away.
Amanda came to hug me as if she'd really miss me but I backed up," What are you doing?"
"Hugging you silly!" she laughed and spread her arms wider.
"I don't think so," I turned to go back inside the house when I caught sight of moms face.
"Get back here Emerald!"
I sighed, turned around and planted the biggest most fake smile I could muster.
"Bring it in!" I yelled sarcastically.
Amanda smiled as if she'd gotten what she wanted and hugged me back.
"I'm gonna miss you!"
"You guys visit every month," I mumbled and pulled back.
Her piercing giggles sent me in a frenzy.
"It's too easy, shut up," I groaned thirdly.
"Em, it's 12 o'clock!" mom mumbled and hugged.
Finally, after some more hugging and sarcastic remarks from myself, they left.
Only to be back in a month or so.
Ugh, I thought, too early.
I was about to book it upstairs when moms voice stopped me.
"Where are you going? Come back."
"Ugh," I groaned and walked back," yeah?"
"We both have all next week off of work so we're going on a little trip until next Sunday."
"When are you leaving," I was jumping with joy inside and tried not to let it seem as if.
"Tonight," they said in union.
"What?" I snapped," tonight? Than why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"Because we knew you'd object," said Dad.
"Object? I'm jumping with joy actually on the inside."
"Than that makes us kind of suspicious, maybe we shouldn't leave."
"no no , please leave, tonight or even now!" I hurriedly said.
They began to chuckle," okay, we'll pack up."
"Yes!" I mumbled and ran upstairs.
I did my remaining homework, showered and ate, gazing at the clock occasionally, hoping its been an hour every time so that I'm a bit closer to seeing Blade.
Mom and dad were standing by the door when they called me downstairs to say goodbye.
We hugged and said our goodbyes for about ten minutes.
"Okay, emergency and food money on the counter, we'll call and check up everyday, call if you need anything," said mom with one last kiss on the forehead.
"Okay mom."
"Just because we won't be here doesn't mean you get a break from chores."
"Okay mom."
"In fact, the laundry still needs to be done."
"Okay mom.".
"And no parties or boys in the house, got it?"
"Yeah right," laughed dad.
I punched him in the arm," Whatever."
They finally left, mom waving frantically until their car fully disappeared and when it did, I jumped inside the house and did a little dance.
Finally! I thought and ran into the kitchen to look for the money they left me.
A break from Jason, Amanda mom
and dad was just what I needed!
Finally, a week to be the adult I know I am.
I searched for the money for about five minutes before giving up.
Where the hell was it?
I saw a plate of cookies on the table and munched on them while calling mom and dad.
"Yes?" mom answered," it's been five minutes Em."
"Yeah I know, wheres the money?"
"Did you check the kitchen table?"
"Yes," I snapped.
"Did you really check? Or did you get distracted by the oatmeal cookies?"
How did she know?
"Did you check under the plate?"
"oh, thats why it's placed strangely," I muttered and grabbed the money from underneath.
"Bye emerald," she said and I could imagine her perfectly rolling her eyes.
"Bye mommy," I said in my sweetest voice.
Finally, now I can start being the adult I know I am.
After about three hours of watching gossip girl reruns, I checked the time.
"Sh*t," I muttered and ran upstairs to get ready.
It took me about twenty five minutes to get ready and when I finished, I realized I had five minutes to get there.
And so I ran through my open window and shifted in the air. The cold night breeze hit my furry face with force but I found myself liking it.
All day I've been awaiting this moment of so much eagerness and anxiety that I just ran as fast as I could and reached the cliff in less than three minutes after stopping by a near by tree and shifting into my human, wearing a spare t-shirt I had of Blade's.
Blade was there, standing by the edge in all of his human formed glory, bare cheated and mouth watering.
I wanted nothing more than to run my hands all over his sculptured body, feeling every patch of skin that must have been made with a little bit more attention.
Was it fair for someone to look so...majestic and beautiful.
I stood there, awe-struck like an idiot, fumbling over my dirty thoughts, trying to keep myself from attacking him from behind.
I tried to tie a mental leash around my over-excited hormones as I planned my first words.
Maybe I should start with something dramatic, like they do in the movies.
Something like," I see you have been awaiting my marvelous arrival and I hope I am not disappointing with my appearance."
Nah, too over the top, we are after all in the twenty first century.
Okay okay, maybe something a bit more like what I'm feeling.
"I see you're bare-chested, let's see if I can get you bare-everything and than attack you."
I blushed just thinking about saying that.
Suddenly, I heard him chuckle," You've been standing there for ten minutes, just staring at my back."
He turned around, his eyes shining like the golden skies i see during dawn.
I realized that I was always comparing his eyes to something when in reality there was nothing in comparison.
"I was trying to figure out something to say, I didn't think this would be my first line."
He laughed gently, something about it was off though, like it was forced.
My wolf immediately deducted something but I shrugged it off.
I was simply looking for something wrong since last time I saw blade was too good to be true.
We sat against the biggest boulder like usual and talked.
No kissing was involved this time for me to realize that I was truly developing real feelings for him. Feelings that I haven't felt in a long time, not even with Jared.
It was a desperate sort of feeling, one that made me want to hold on to something amazing and indescribable because one wrong move can result in an end to all this.
With Jared, I knew I'd always have him, he was always there, I never had to worry.
With blade, it was a hungry and demanding feeling. I always wanted him near and I wasn't afraid to admit it to myself.
Although I was afraid of it all in general. Was it really good for me to develop feelings for him at a time like this?
I gave a mental shrug and held his icy hands.
That seemed to snap him out of the zone he was in and turned to smile at me.
"My wolf has been feeling refreshed ever since, yesterday."
He nodded like he wasn't quite paying attention," Me too."
"I really hope it lasts, I-I know for a fact that it will with my human," I blushed madly.
I was expecting him to smirk cockily and tell me the same but instead, his eyes were glued to the reflection of the water, as if his thoughts were somewhere else.
I left about half an hour later disappointed, after he said he had to get back to his pack.
I honesty didn't know what I was expecting to explain the large amount of disappointment that piled beneath my remaining organs.
Maybe I was secretly hoping for another long and sweet make out or maybe a deep, personal conversation.
His head seemed nowhere near me tonight and I couldn't stop thinking about it.
The rest of the week passed by as slowly as it possibly can. Each day felt like ten and Blade seemed nowhere to be found and I realized other then going to his house, there's no other way to contact him.
Does he have an email? Or even a phone?
He had a phone, I remembered him talking to Diana on it, but I didn't even know the number.
Friday night my wolf was overly upset, and the strings she was holding on to were letting go.
I ran into the woods hoping he'd sense me but he was nowhere near the cliff.
A sense of deja vu hit me and I ran to where his house was located only to find his pack and the leader of mines in a deep heated discussion in his backyard.
Now, I knew he was definitely keeping a secret.

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