Deja Vu.

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Nina sat at their normal booth, at the far end of 'Caffeine Janes' cafe. Sitting here felt like Deja vu.

Reece and Trenton sat with her. And they talked about the previous attack on Regan and her friends.

"A few things strike me odd". Reece began. And Nina listened intently.

"Why did this Grant guy go crazy on his own "friends"?

"Because the guy they hit, was Grants friend, Dylan Lake".

"Dylan Lake? Why does Lake sound familiar"?

"Dylan's dad owes that big nature preserve up I-23. The golden lake preserve".

"So, don't mean you should go off, and kill your friends. What a real table turner".

"I invited Regan and the others who survived to come here today".

As she finished her sentence, three known faces walk in. Regan, Troy, and Maddie come in and gives Nina a hug.

"Hey again. I just wanted to thank you for saving us. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you".

"How did you know we was there"? Troy asked. And Regan nudges his shoulder.

"What"? He looks at her.

"Its fine Regan. I knew you were there, because I too went through this. I backtracked the Pc at the library and tracked your guy's calls and texts through the libraries system. You learn alot when you are being stalked by a freak. And I traced Grants call, just as it went 'dead'. Plus Derek's aunt helped me too".

"Who's Derek"? Maddie asked.

"Someone I should have given the chance to be with. But he was killed along with my other friends".

"In sorry about that...I...I...I didn't know".

"Its ok. I'm passed it now". She took a sip of her coke.

"It must have taken a long time. It was hard to expect Aidens lost. Even though he was a jerk, he didn't deserve what happened to him".

"No one deserves death". Nina grabbed Regans hand in assurance. "I've been there before".

A special news bulletin flashes on the screen over the cafe's counter.

"In local news, a young teens body was found on the south block of 'Fenton' Avenue. The cause of death is un-apparent, but the police are looking further into it. We will keep you updated once we receive more Intel"

"Its odd that someone would off a poor teen. Especially after everything this town has endured".

"Maybe its a coincidence" Maddie looked at the table.

"Or maybe its un-related, and you guys are over-thinking it". Reece looked at the somewhat paranoid group.

"Maybe. But lets be leery. Anything is possible". Nina cut back. And they gathered their things to leave.

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