Ominous customer.

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Carter was working the late shift at 'Cellery Flats' super market. The parking lot was empty, and there was no sign of any customers coming any time soon.

He repeatedly checked his phone to see if Jacey had texted him yet. But she didn't. He assumed she went to sleep, and left it at that. As he checked the isles to make sure they were in decent shape.

In one isle, a box of noodles layed on the floor, and he sighed, going to put it back on the shelf. As he placed it on the shelf, the whole shelf caves, spilling hundreds of noodle boxes all over the floor.

"Shit". He curses to himself, and kicks the shelf on the floor. In a few isles over, another sound is heard. He goes to investigate, walking the two isles over, it seemed eternal.

As he peeked down the isle, a couple of cereal boxes are on the floor. He knew they weren't there before, and goes to investigate. As he kneels down, He sees words carved into them.


He was confused on the sentence, and heard a odd shuffling sound at the other end of the hall. He looks over expecting to see someone there, but sees no one.

"Hello"? There's no answer. "Its after hours, we are closed. Come back at 9 A.M when we open".

Silence. In the next isle, a odd metallic sound is heard. He goes over to the next isle. "I said we are"... He looks into a ominous figure, who wears a giraffe mask.

"May I help you"? He gulps, and looks to the emotionless mask. The figure slowly shakes his head 'no'. The figure looms over him. And Carter, though terrified, can't move. The figure slowly pulls his pickaxe from his under coat. And points it toward Carter, who looks at the curved blade, reflecting in the light.

Carter turns back, and begins to run, as the figure gives Chase. He quickly turns down a isle, spilling a movie rack over, spilling movie cases all over the floor. The figures boots echo on the hard floor. Staying close behind him, he spewed contents off shelfs at him, trying to slow him down.

Chips, cans of salsa, even a box filled with a 'piece by piece' lawn chair are thrown at the killer. But he keeps coming after him, getting closer and closer. He darts down another isle, and runs by the cash registers, to the front door, seeing it locked with a chain. He tries to open the door, and fails to see the figure approaching behind him. As he turns the pickaxe blade stabs into the door jam beside him. He lets out a low grunt, and rushes back past the registers, to the back of the store.

As he rushed down the hall, he slips on a wet spot, and slams hard on his back. He quickly gets to his feet, as the figure round the corner, pickaxe drawn. He rushes down the rest of the hall, and enters the office, and locks the door, setting the alarm. The alarm rings loud, and As the figure slams his blade through the door, Carter climbs out the Window, into the back alley. He slams hard on his back, and gets up, limping toward the street. As he nears, the figure rounds the corner, and slowly draws near him, as he backed to the alleys blocked end.


The figure raises his blade, as a cop car, lights flashing, pulls up.

"Freeze! Drop the weapon, and get down on your knees"! The older cop yells toward the figure. "Now"!

The figure turns toward the officers, and tomahawks the pickaxe toward the cops, who duck behind the opened car doors. And the figure darts to the side, disappearing from sight. The officers rush toward the area where the figure rushed out of. Only darkness, and silence. That sickly dark silence!

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