Curfew Extended!

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' VICTIM FOUND IN LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL GYM, BELEIVE SUICIDE' the news cast titled it. Regan felt sick as she read who the victim was.

"I'm here with local police chief, Penny Weathers, to give us her opinion". The screen flashes to a older woman, hair slicked back in a ponytail. Way over fifty, but her sleek Brown hair would say otherwise.

"It was no shock that no one much cared for Mr. Campbell, but this was on purpose. The supposing murderer through the victim, neck in wire, over the 2nd floor railing. It was done intentionally. It is due to this, the curfew has been extended. No one is out after nine, and will be arrested. At least until this killer is called". Mrs Westhers finished as the camera went back to studio.

Regan was horrified at who would do something like this. Though with everything that had happened, it really didn't surprise her.

"Some sick twisted fuck, trying to copy the past murders". That's what Nina told her last time They were together. Then she reached for her, and without thought, dialed Nina's number.


Jacey, and Carter sat in outside a hospital room, in a crusty plain white hallway. The name plate on the door showed, Parker was the one inside.

A nurse soon exits, and is bombarded by Jacey and Carter. The nurse showed no sign of sharing, so they quickly rush inside, and see his heart monitor reading steady, and his eyes, Though closed, shoot back and forth quickly.

"Why did you do this to yourself"? Jacey cried to herself, and rubbed the cast put over his gashes.

"Fault". The word came so low, she swore it a dream. And after it's repeated, she bursts into tears of joy. "I thought you were leaving is". She said through harsh sobs. "I couldn't bare lose another friend.

Carter smiles at him, as they share awkward glances. Soon after, they talk About the killings, and who could be doing it, and why. The peices were coming together.

SOON... The truth would be revealed. And it wasn't bound to be pretty!

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