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Nina sat at home, seeing the scar she had aquire on her shoulder. She let the strap to her tank top cover her shoulder, and went back to her bed. Just as her phone vibrates. She clicks it on, and sees a message from Regan.

"Turn on the news". The message read. She reached over and flipped her tv on. "Local teen found slain, odd message found".

As the words slide across her screen, the horror of the past slip her mind, and Its almost as time stops. The remote falls to the floor, and she grabs her phone, sending texts to Reece and Trenton.

As she does this, She hears a noise in the other room, and she is frantic. She slows her breath, and grabs the metal nail filer from her desk top, and enters the hall. Her blood runs cold, and her palms leaks sweat. There he was, at the end of the hall, that mask...

She'd know it from anywhere...

And it was in her house. Looking back at her. And then a familiar voice. One that brought her haunting past at her like a bullet.

"Why did you let him kill me"? It was Derek's voice. "We could have been something special. But you just had to say no". She couldn't move. Couldn't speak.

Then she saw him come from her parents old bedroom. The same gash across his face, cheek to cheek. "Do you still love me, Nina"? She begins to cry. She can't breathe. It feels like a hand has grabbed her lungs, and is sqeezing. "Do you"!

The figure lunges....

She screams....


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