[3] Too Soon.

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Mr. Sheikh's offer takes Dunia parents by surprise because they were not expecting this at all. They became silent since they didn't know how to reply.

Mr. Sheikh went on, "I understand this is a tough decision because we're talking about your daughter's life and I just mentioned that my son has a few bad habits... He's a good man, at heart, I promise. However, there is absolutely no pressure whatsoever. You have the full right to reject this proposal with no hard feelings."

"It's nothing like that, Adnaan. We've actually had a few proposals offered to us for our Dunia. I would be thrilled if she marries into my best friend's family, it's just—"

Mr. Sheikh interrupts her Abbu, "I just want you to think about it. If you do consider it, I would make sure your daughter lives like a Queen after marriage, I would treat her like my own. But, trust me, there is absolutely no pressure at all. I would not treat you any different if you decide to reject."

Dunia's Ammi intercepted, "We will consider your kind words with an open mind but as of right now, we want Dunia to work and expand her knowledge of the world. When she is ready, we will be ready." She smiles genuinely.

The adults continue speaking on about other things for the rest of the evening.

• • •

Dunia's heart drops, she could feel droplets I'd sweat on her forehead from the stress she's been suddenly put under.

"We will consider your kind words with an open mind but as of right now, we want Dunia to work and expand her knowledge of the world. When she is ready, we will be ready."

She is forever grateful for her parents not accepting Mr. Sheikh's proposal. She's barely ready for work, let alone ready for marriage and settling down. And marriage with whom? Barqat Sheikh? The man who seems to care for nothing more than himself? Nope. Not happening.

"Oh. My. God. I cannot believe you received a marriage proposal from The Sheikh." Eliza squeals quietly in their room. "Too bad the guy's an asshole..." she sighs.

Dunia rolls her eyes, "Eliza, don't speak of someone disrespectfully without knowing them personally, it's not nice."

"Oh, come on, your first encounter with him showed you how much of an asshole he is."

"Maybe he was having a bad day?" Dunia tried reasoning with the situation. "I'm just glad Ammi and Abbu didn't accept it right away. I do not want to marry Mr. Barqat Sheikh. I'm not ready for marriage yet, anyways."

"You never know... you might change your mind..." Eliza shrugs her shoulders.

• • •

"What is she doing here?" Barqat eyes Dunia in disgust.

"Didn't you hear Dev–" Ashley catches her tongue before she lets slip the word Devil. "Sir, she's been hired by your father as your his new assistant." Ashley chimes with joy, she emphasizes the fact that his father hired her.

"She– what? My father hired her? Out of all the beautiful and eligible girls, he chooses her?" Barqat's face forms into an expression mixed with shock and offence.

Ashley shrugs her shoulder, signalling that she's not dealing with his bullshit and going back to work.

Barqat follows Dunia until she enters his father's office. He overhears their conversation.

"Your mother's biryani was a taste from our homeland. It tasted fantastic, Mash'Allah. I will be coming by often just for the food." Me. Sheikh jokes around.

Dunia smiles, "You're welcome at our house at anytime, no invite needed."

"Oh, Beta, you don't need to mention it at all. I'll make sure I show up for the delicious food."

Barqat takes a few steps back, Does she have my dad bewitched or something? He's never been so comfortable with any of his employees before, he thinks to himself.

Dunia walks out of the room when Barqat calls after her, "Hey, you with the scarf,"

Dunia stops and turns around to see the famous son, "Yes?" Her social anxiety climbing through the roof at this point.

"How did you get the job?" He asks bluntly.

"Pardon me?" Dunia is dumbfounded by the question.

"Are you deaf? How did you get such a high prestige job at such a luxurious company?" His icy blue eyes filled with annoyance.

Dunia begins to politely explain herself, "I'm not sure what you mean but–"

"There is no way someone like you got a job here. Did you look at yourself? What are you? My dad's mistress? Are you blackmailing him?" He goes further in with the insults.

"Sir, that's not the case, I–" Dunia's anxiety at this point is slowly converting into anger and annoyance.

"So, is your mom the mistress, then?"

The moment those words slipped out of his mouth, a loud smack echoed through the walls of the hall. He could feel the continuous stinging on his cheek right after the hand makes contact with his skin.

Dunia's hands covered her mouth in shock. She didn't even have time to get angry before someone slapped Barqat.

- - -

A/N: 😰😰😰 But he deserved it, amirite, ladies and gents? 🤷🏽‍♀️

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