[18] So, It Begins.

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When Dunia walks into the room, all heads turn towards her and their eyes are in disbelief. The room erupted in whispers about how beautiful and serene she looks.

Since they didn't do a function for the Nikah, no one held back for her Walima. Her wealthy in-laws showered her with layers and layers of jewelry and her dress was made especially for her.

She wore a terracotta coloured heavy lehnga with gold embroidered all over the outfit in intricate detail. The outfit itself weighed so heavily that every step she took made it feel like she was carrying tons of large rocks on her shoulder. She made sure that the scarf that came with the lehnga is pinned securely to her head so she wouldn't have to worry about that all night.

(A/N: Obviously, minus the slit on the side that's shown in the picture)

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(A/N: Obviously, minus the slit on the side that's shown in the picture)

As she walks forward, her eyes land on Barqat, who's waiting for her on the stage. He's looking at her with such intensity, she's sure she could've melted on spot. She quickly looks away and gazes at the ground.

She's looks so goddamn gorgeous, who knew she had it in her? He thought to himself. He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He licks his lips from the angelic view in front of him. Shit, I'm turned on by this. He could tell from looking at some of the young male guests that they were wishing they were in his place. She really shook the whole venue from just entering the hall.

Dunia, still keeping her gaze steady on the ground, takes a seat beside Barqat. Eliza and Maleeha organize and fix her dress trail to sit perfectly around her.

Barqat leans in close enough to her and whispers, "You look beautiful."

Dunia's body begins to form goosebumps, "T-t-thank you..."

"All the aunties regretting the fact that they couldn't snatch her up for their own sons." Maheen tells to Eliza. This comment makes Ashley and Inaya quietly laugh because it's true, you can tell by some of their faces.

The rest of the reception goes by smoothly and everyone compliments the couple as they give their blessings.

• • •

"Dunia, don't forget about your parents after you're gone!" Dunia's mom holds her in a hug tightly during the rukhsati.

Dunia couldn't speak from the amount of crying she's been doing after the walima. Barqat respectfully stands in the sidelines, waiting for everyone to say their goodbyes to Dunia.

"You're not going to be our little Dunia anymore, you're all grown up. But you will always be our little Dunia, don't forget that." Her dad cries as he caresses her head.

Dunia bursts into loud sobs, "Ammi, Abbu, don't forget to keep in contact with me."

You might be thinking, isn't this a little overdramatic? Couldn't she see her parents whenever she likes because Barqat's parents and her parents live pretty close to each other. Wrong! Last minute, as a wedding gift, Barqat announces he has bought their very own house for them to reside in. And, here's the gag, the house is almost two hours away from both of their parents!

Dunia became almost terrified after hearing this, she was not planning on staying too far from her parents. But I guess this could be a good way for her to build some skills that won't require her parents. It'll help her become more independent, right?

"I'm flying back to school after you're gone but don't you dare forget to text me, call me, FaceTime me, whatever you need to do to keep in contact. If this man causes even one tiny bit of discomfort, I'LL FLY RIGHT BACK AND BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!" Inaya's eyes darting towards Barqat.

"I love you so much, Inaya." Dunia's tears are uncontrollable.

• • •

After their sad goodbyes, it was time for Barqat and Dunia to start their journey towards their new home, their new life together.

The car ride is quiet. He doesn't say much and neither does she. It's quite awkward because Dunia is the worst when it comes to conversation.

Barqat mentions that the person driving them is his personal driver, James. He will be of assistance whenever she needs to do any kind of travelling by car or airplane.

He goes further to say that someone will be at home to clean and cook so she won't need to worry about any of that. She nods to everything he's saying.

The drive to their estate is beautiful. The area is very private and is surrounded by nature. Dunia sort of found it a little too secluded. There aren't any neighbours for a mile or two. The estate itself is gigantic; why would he need such a big house for just the two of us?

She stares at the beautiful trees surrounding the area. The area is dimly lit but lit enough for her to be able to see the area through the car window. She told herself maybe it's not so bad that they live nowhere near other people, she won't have to socialize with people.

The driver, James, clicks a button and the big gates open automatically. He drives around the huge water fountain, which is placed in the middle, and puts the car in park.

James leaves the car to open Dunia's side of the car first, "Mrs. Sheikh." He says as he gestures towards the entrance of the grand estate.

Barqat strolls past her and leaves her behind. Confused, Dunia looks at James.

"I will be taking your things inside. Donatella, the housekeeper, will help you find your way through the house." The moment he says that, a woman, who looks like she's in her late forties, comes down to greet her.

"Mrs. Sheikh, what a pleasure to meet you! Please, let me show you around." Donatella's smile is so polite and genuine, which puts Dunia to ease.

• • •

After Donatella realizes that Dunia cannot walk around the house in such heavy clothing, she tells Dunia she will show her around tomorrow after breakfast as she thinks Dunia might be very tired from the festivities. Dunia agrees.

Donatella shows Dunia to Barqat's room and leaves her with a goodbye. Dunia stares at the magnificent doors, which looks like it is made for a king's bedroom. She slowly creaks open the door and shuffles inside.

She sees Barqat working on his laptop, sitting on the couch in the mini living-room-like area in the corner of the room. He looks up at her and smirks at her discomfort.

He, then, stares at her blankly, "What are you doing here?"

Dunia blinks a few times in confusion, "I— um— I thought—"

"Your room is on the other side of the house." He states like as if she should already know.

Dunia's eyes widen with those words. What's going on? She thinks to herself.

"What? You thought you would get to sleep beside me? In your fucking dreams." Barqat laughs. This time it isn't one of his pretty laughs, this one is laced with an evil tone.

"W-what is wrong with y-y-you?" Is all Dunia can manage to say.

Barqat shuts his laptop, stands up, and makes his way to her. When he gets close enough to Dunia, he can see fear in her naive eyes. Not only fear, but also a hint of regret. He sees that her eyes are starting to pool up with tears, this is not even the worst of it, Mrs. Barqat Sheikh.

"I have some rules to lay out. Listen carefully or else you will face many difficulties." Barqat's eyes are ice cold.

- - -

A/N: Oh, no!!!!!! 😱

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