[33] Resolving the Unresolved.

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There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Dunia says to Donatella. She grabs a scarf and wraps it around her head before opening the door.

She opens the door and to her surprise, it's Aamir. She hasn't seen him in months. He literally disappeared off of the phase of the earth right before her wedding. "Aamir?"

He smiles, "Aren't you going to invite me in?"

"Yes, of course. Come in."

They take a seat across from each other in the living room.

"So... how are you?" Dunia's not very good at conversation.

Aamir laughs, "You're still that awkward girl I left behind. I know what you're actually thinking. Where did Mr. Aamir Khan disappear to for so long?"

Dunia eases herself and laughs, "You caught me! I love being nosey."

Aamir's smile is replaced with guilt, "I'm sorry I didn't tell anyone and disappeared. I shouldn't have been stubborn and not attend my best friend's wedding."

"No! It's okay! You probably have your reasons." Dunia gives a comforting nod.

"You're still clueless, huh?"

Dunia raises her brow in confusion, "Um, I guess? But I don't know what you're talking about."

Aamir gives her a sad smile and sighs, "Here goes nothing... I fell for you, Dunia."

Dunia intakes a sharp breath, he what?

"I fell for you the moment I laid my eyes on you. I cleared it with Barqat, I told him I wanted you. Never did I think he would fall for you too. He isn't the type to fall in love after—" He shakes his head thinking he shouldn't mention anything about Furat, just in case Dunia doesn't know. It's not his secret to tell.

"I was angry and frustrated that it was him marrying you that I couldn't bear watch you two we'd. I was mad that you were in love with him, I could tell from the way you looked at him. I knew if I showed up to the wedding events, I'd do something horrendous. So I did what I thought was right, run away from my problems. I ran away from you, from Barqat, from everything."

Dunia's jaw drops. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Aamir. I had no clue." She doesn't know what to say.

He shakes his head to tell her it's okay, "I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have ran from the problem, I should've faced it. I probably hurt Barqat the most. People around Barqat have the tendency to leave him unexpectedly and I never wanted to be that person." Dunia can sense the sadness in Aamir's voice. She feels a pang of pity for him.

He looks at her with his genuine smile returning, "I'm glad my best friend has someone like you by his side. I know this might be not my place to ask, but can I ask you for a favour?"

Dunia nods.

"Please, please, don't leave Barqat. That man has been through so much that it shocks me to this day how he's still standing on his two feet. Please don't hurt him. I hope one day he'll be strong enough to tell you what happened to him. But for now, trust me on this. Just don't leave his side. He needs you." Aamir pleads.

"Of course. I understand. He's been opening up to me slowing and I can tell he's holding a lot of things on his shoulder." Dunia agrees.

"That makes me feel relaxed, knowing he's in good hands." Aamir smiles. He stands up to leave, "I have to go to Barqat next to mend what I might've broken."

"If it helps, I really don't think he's mad at you in any way. I truly believe that." Dunia says.

"I hope that's true." He nods at her.

After Aamir leaves, Dunia thinks about all the times Aamir was being super funny and nice to her, he was trying to flirt. She couldn't believe that she was so into Barqat that she didn't notice Aamir's gestures. I find out something crazy every single day.

• • •

Dunia has a presentation at the office to prepare for so she stayed at home to practice. However, the real reason she didn't go because she's still flustered from last night.

Dunia didn't sleep on Barqat's bed the night they shared her first kiss. The moment Barqat fell asleep, she went to her room and fell asleep there because she wasn't sure if they were there yet. Just to be safe, she went to her own room instead.

Almost 24 hours later, she couldn't stop imagining the kiss over and over again. she still feels the tingles on her lips from their fiery passion. She keeps telling herself, he was completely sober when that happened, he had to have meant it—or at least some of it.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Donatella. "Ma'am, I don't mean to disturb you but Sir is asking for you."

Dunia blinks a couple of times, "Asking for me? What for?"

Dontella is as clueless as Dunia. She tells Dunia that he is in his home office. When Dunia enters, she sees to see Barqat holding two large shopping bags: a black Versace one and an orange Hermes one.

She looks at the Barqat, then at the bags, and at Barqat again, "Uh, you called me?"

He doesn't say anything but extends the two bags towards her. She takes it, "What is this fo—"

"For you." He says without any context.

Dunia almost wants to burst into giggles from how he's acting as if he isn't sure how to give her a gift. But she holds in her laughter to not offend him. "I can see they're for me. What's the occasion?"

"Nothing." He doesn't look at her.

Ugh, I'm melting, he's so cute. "Barqat, I really didn't need anything. You literally spent over $90,000 on me the other day and refuse to let me return them."

"Just take them. Stop complaining." Barqat rolls his eyes.

Dunia couldn't hold back her laughter any longer so she erupts with giggles.

"What are you laughing about?" Barqat says, perplexed.

"You're really bad at trying to give genuine gifts. The great Barqat Sheikh is shaking in his shoes while trying to give his wife some gifts." She couldn't stop laughing.

A smirk sweeps over his face. He grabs Dunia's waist and pulls her closer to him. His abrupt action makes Dunia drop the bags and immediately stop laughing, leaving only occasion giggles.

"You dare to make fun of me, my love?" His voice is dangerously low.

Dunia can feel her lips tingle again, why is her body always acting up when he's close?

"I did dare to make fun of you." Dunia grins.

"How about I kiss that grin right off of your face?" He says it in the most straightforward way.

- - -

A/N: To be continued. 😏😉

How are you guys liking the escalation between Barqat and Dunia so far? Do y'all ship it?

What do you guys think about Furat making an appearance in his life again?

Please vote and comment and let me know how y'all feel!!

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