[5] Aamir.

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"You're trying to tell me, not only did he not drop you off at home, but he threatened you as well?" Eliza couldn't believe it.

Dunia huffs, "I know! He straight up humiliated me, while he was at it! So gosh darn annoying, ugh."

"Imagine being married to that horrible man. I would never survive." Eliza complains. "You, missy, need to stand up for yourself. You can't always be so calm and let it things like this go!"

"Eliza... that's how I avoid creating a bigger situations. You have to understand that the moment I start arguing and stoop to his level, I basically become a horrible person like him."

"I don't care!!! Honestly, if you don't say something, he's going to have to face my wrath." Eliza isn't giving up.

"Okay, okay! Next time he says anything disrespectful, I'll try to say something back and stand up for myself, happy?" Dunia smiles.

"Yes, maybe. We'll see!" Eliza narrows her eyes at Dunia and then laughs, "I would give anything to see you cuss him off."

"Eliza!!" Dunia starts laughing as well.

• • •

Dunia's Abbu has been thinking about Mr. Sheikh's proposal for the past week. It's been giving him constant stress.

"Are you feeling okay? You look stressed." Dunia's Ammi sits down beside her husband.

He rubs his temples with his finger, "I've been thinking about what Adnaan said... Dunia is of age now and I feel like giving her away to a family I know will take care of her is a good thing."

Dunia's Ammi hates thinking about giving away her daughters and getting them married. They might be her step-daughters but she loves them to the moon and back because she raised them like her own. "Listen, Ahmad, I understand that Adnaan Sahib seems like a great person to you and that seems true from what I've seen. However... you don't know much about the rest of his family, for example, his wife, his other kids, and such. I feel like we should slowly get to know them and understand them before we make such important decisions."

"What if we can't find her a family who-"

Dunia's Ammi interrupts him, "You also have to understand that at the end of the day, it all comes down to Dunia and if she agrees to this. I understand Adnaan's family can provide Dunia with lots of luxuries in life that we can only imagine but if her husband can not provide her with emotional happiness, those luxuries are of waste."

She places a comforting hand on his shoulder, "We need to take our time and think this through as a family because it is Dunia's life we're talking about. We will let this play out the way Allah wants it to and if He sees this right, Dunia will end up in Adnaan's family."

Dunia's Abbu nods, "Jee (Yes), you're right. We will wait and see if it is what is written for our daughter."

• • •

"Sooo... How many Hell-like encounters did you have with Mr. Devil?" Ashley asks.

"Thankfully, not many. I actually haven't seen him around much for the last few weeks." Dunia says as she munches on her sandwich.

"Oh shit, speak of the Dev- Good afternoon, Mr. Barqat!" Ashley chokes on her food as she greets him.

He nods at her, "Yes, good afternoon." He turns his attention to Dunia who is trying her best to look anywhere but at him. "You," he points at Dunia, "follow me to my office, now."

Dunia freezes up on spot and starts thinking, Ya Allah, I did so well avoiding him and his mood swings, why did he have to call him now. Did I do something? I don't remember doing anything wrong. Oh Lord, maybe I messed up on an important document and now he's doing to kill me and hide my body so no one ever finds out... Okay, now I'm being really over dramatic...

Barqat becomes really irritated, "Did you not hear me? Are you deaf? I said now."

Dunia jumps up from her seat and follows closely behind Barqat. The whole way to his office, they don't exchange a single word with each other. Dunia purposefully keeps her mouth shut because she knows every word that she'll say will annoy annoy him more and he'll probably say things that will cross more lines.

When they finally reach his office, he sits down at his desk, takes out a file and throws it across the desk, "What is this?"


"What is this bullshit? You didn't organize the file properly. How the fuck am I supposed to give this to mess to our clients?" He says with a stern tone.

Dunia scrambles to collect the papers from his desk, "I-I'm so sorry, Sir. I didn't know. I'll fix it right away."

"You're–" Barqat is interrupted.

"Yo! Have you seen the file for..." Aamir's words drift off when he lays his eyes on Dunia. "Good afternoon, Miss. Are you new here?"

Dunia just nods her head. As much as she doesn't want to, she couldn't help but notice how attractive Aamir is. She quickly looks away, knowing really well that she's blushing.

"Are you two here to socialize? No, I didn't think so. You," he points at Dunia, "take these files back and redo them in an hour. No excuses or complaints."

Dunia takes the file and quickly walks out of the room.

"My God. She's stunning!" Aamir exclaims.

Barqat snorts, "Stunning? In what world? I didn't take you for a guy who's into girls who wear those headscarves."

"Man, I want to get to know her. I call dibs on her."

Barqat laughs, "The only way you get to call dibs on her is if you marry her. Good luck."

"You don't want her, right?" Aamir asks just to make sure.

Barqat bursts out laughing, "Oh hell nah. You go right ahead."

"Okay. Good. I have a lady to impress, see ya!" Aamir bolts out the door to follow Dunia.

• • •

Aamir runs after Dunia, "Miss!"

Dunia stops in her tracks and turns around.

"I didn't properly introduce myself." Aamir says once he reaches her, "I'm Aamir, Aamir Khan, and no, not the Bollywood actor or the boxer. A better Aamir Khan than both." He winks.

Dunia giggles, "My name's Dunia, Dunia Bukhari."

"I'm going to take a lucky guess that you don't shake hands?" Aamir asks, taking a chance.

Dunia shakes her head, "Nope."

"Ah... well, if you ever need anything, just let me know. My office is right there." He points in the direction of his office room.

Dunia nods, "Thank you, Sir."

"Ah-ah! Not sir! Call me Aamir." He winks.

Dunia wants to roll her eyes at his flirtatious tone but it's also nice to have a friendly face around here. "Okay, Aamir. I'll see you around?"

He nods and she leaves. The whole day he couldn't wipe his wide smile off his face. "Dunia... Dunia... Dunia... She's the one!" He says to himself.

- - -

A/N: HI!!!!!!! I'M SOOOOOOOOO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING FOR ALMOST TWO WEEKS! 😱 That's the longest I've been inactive.

1. I had a last minute final exam that my professor decided we needed to do. (I almost died studying for that 🙃)
2.  I was having a bit of a writer's block, where I couldn't figure out where I was taking this for a while.


(Also, just a FYI, if you don't remember Aamir, I introduced him very quickly in the beginning of Chapter 2, he's Barqat's best friend!)

Please vote and comment and let me know how y'all feel!!

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