[26] A Delicate Soul.

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The next morning, Dunia tries to avoid any interaction with Barqat. Even trying to eat breakfast after he leaves he apartment. Having to face everything that happened last night is too awkward for her liking. He was having a moment of weakness and she just did anything to help. It didn't hurt to feel a little affection from your not-so-sober husband. Ugh, I feel horrible. I should've kicked him out of my room the second he entered.

Someone knocks on her door and her heart drops thinking it's Barqat. Until she hears the voice.

"Ma'am, it's James. Your breakfast is on the table." He says through the door.

Dunia quickly puts on her hijab and opens her door to peek out, "Barqat left?" She asks him.

"Yes, he left this morning around 10 AM." James says.

Relieved, she goes to eat breakfast.

James leaves after giving the message. Dunia sits at the table eating scrambled eggs while looking out at the beautiful scenery outside.

She hears footsteps and when she looks up, she starts choking on her breakfast. "What are you doing here?"

Barqat raises an eyebrow, "Um?"

"No, I mean James said you left half an hour ago."

"I didn't leave. I told James to tell you that because you've been hiding in your room all morning. I booked us private tours of tourist attractions here and you were going to get us late."

"Oh." She doesn't have anything else to say.

Neither mention the events of last night. Dunia thinks that either Barqat doesn't remember anything because of being drunk or he doesn't want to acknowledge it.

"Last night," oh, no! I don't want to hear it! Dunia thinks as Barqat begins to talk. "You forgot your slipper in my room and I tripped on it this morning."

"I—I'm sorry?" Dunia almost questions the apology because she wasn't expecting that.

"Anyways, get ready. We're leaving in 15 minutes." Barqat leaves her at the table.

• • •

It's excruciatingly hot in Dubai. Dunia decides to wear another one of her maxi dresses to make sure that her body will be able to breathe. She puts on a hijab cap and loosely wraps around her scarf around her head for a wiry, elegant look.

Dunia gets a knock on her room door and she expects it to be James to inform her about their plans.

She opens the door, "Yes, Jam—oh." It's not James, it's Barqat, looking uninterested.

"I see you prefer James at your door. In fact, I'm starting to think he visits you often." He raises a brow.

Dunia rolls her eyes, "And why would I expect you at my door?" They start walking towards he elevator.

"Because I'm your husband and can come in anytime I want." He states.

"But you don't." Dunia says.

"But I don't." A smirk spreads over his face, "Until last night—"

"Ah-ah-ah-ah! I don't want you to bring that up." Dunia interrupts his sentence.

"Whatever you say, my love." He sounds almost irritated that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"You need to quit calling me that!" Dunia complains as they walk towards

"Calling you what, my love?" He says to hit a nerve.

"Urgh!" Dunia grunts in defeat.

They reach the ground floor and are greeted by a valet holding out keys to a Rolls Royce. Those are like royalty cars around here, Dunia's seen them in the Burj Khalifa garages a lot. It's a sign of wealth, she thinks. Barqat takes the keys and thanks him.

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