[36] Breaking the Broken.

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A/N: I might not be able to update tomorrow because University has started for me and I'm already realllyyy busy. I didn't have time to pre-write a few more chapters like I usually do, I'm sorry 😔 I'll try my best though!!

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The next morning, Dunia wakes up super early. She couldn't help but stare at Barqat's calm state, it was a good change of scenario, to see him peacefully sleeping.

Dunia couldn't help but think how this was a nice way to wake up in the morning, wrapped in Barqat's cozy arms, his slow breathing against her chest. She could've laid there for another few hours.

But she didn't want to overstay her welcome. She is about to slip out of the bed after putting on a robe that was on the table beside the bed, but a force grabs her wrist and pulls her back. She falls back against Barqat with a little yelp. Her back is against his bare chest as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"Good morning, my love." His morning voice is deep and husky, making Dunia's body tingle. She's a 110% sure that she'd do anything to hear his morning voice every single day.

"Good morning." Her voice comes out as almost a squeak.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks. Again, his tone is covered in drowsiness from just waking up.

Ugh, I'm melting again. Stop it, Barqat! Dunia thinks. "Yes, I slept very well, actually. Did you?"

"Hell yeah. I haven't slept this well since I was 10 years old, I swear." Dunia can feel his smile without turning around to look at him.

Dunia smiles along as well, "I'm so glad to hear that!" Her eyes land on the clock on the wall, "Oh, no! We have to get up or else we'll be late for work."

She was about to get up, thinking Barqat was going to let her go, but he didn't.

He rests his head on the nape of her neck. "I called both of us off of work." He begins leaving kisses down her neck. She feels her existence dissolving at the mere touch of his lips again her skin.

"Barqat... I have an important meeting today." She manages to say through her heavy breathing.

Barqat turns her around, so she'd face him. "And?"

"And, I need to be there to make sure everything's okay." She says.

"They'll be fine. You're always so worried about everything and everyone." Barqat says.

"Someone has to think about everything and everyone." She trails her finger along his jaw.

"I want you to only worry about yourself... and me." He smirks.

Dunia giggles, "And you? Ugh, worrying about you is too much work."

"Is it still to much work when I do this?" He leans in and kisses her forehead. It was just a small peck, but enough to make Dunia's stomach fill with butterflies. "Or this?" He kisses one cheek, then the other, and then her nose. He's teasing her.

"Hmm, I don't know..." Dunia teases him back.

He finally leans in and whispers in his most seductive tone, "What about now?" He places his lips on hers as they feel the fireworks explode within them. Barqat deepens the kiss, his hands running up and down her back until it rests on the back of her neck.

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