[44] Go After Her.

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The two women whip their heads towards the door.

"Lying? Lying about what, Barqat? Please, enlighten me." Furat's tone daring him.

"About everything!" He walks closer to Furat. "You were cheating on me days before our wedding!"

"It was freaking bread crumbs, Barqat. Bread crumbs! I would never cheat on you, I'm not that cruel." Furat's voice is shaking.

He takes a few more steps towards her, standing dangerously close to her.

"Barqat..." Dunia says in her soft voice. "I think you should hear her out."

"No. She ruined me. I don't want to hear any fucking explanation for her." Barqat's voice is growing louder.

"Think whatever the hell you want! I know I didn't cheat on you. I didn't even start anything with Hashem until a few months after. Getting over someone you've loved for so long isn't as easy as you think."

"As easy as I think? Oh? You think I got over you in a jiffy?" He almost sneers.

"Barqat, you have so much hatred bottled up for me, I'm sure your love for me disappeared a while go." Tears threaten to fall from Furat's eyes.

Barqat scoffs, "I fucking wish I hated you enough to stop loving you. It's driving me fucking psychotic, Furat!"

"I—wait, you what?" Furat's eyes widen.

Dunia feels nausea swirling in her stomach. Her head is throbbing from regretting half of this, maybe I shouldn't have been in here while they did this... Hearing him say that he still loves Furat makes her heart feel as if there's clots of blood formed in her heart, restraining her heart from keeping steady beat. Her breathing becomes uneven from the lack of air being able to pass through her chest.

"E-ex-excuse me... I think you two can settle this amongst yourselves." Dunia stutters through her words.

"Dunia... Wait, listen to me." But Barqat is wordless. He doesn't know how to explain himself.

"I'm a-all ears..." She scoffs. "No e-explanation, huh? Shocking." She can barely keep herself balanced but she bolts out the door before anyone can stop her.

"Look what you did to the poor girl!" Furat yells at Barqat who can't seem to wrap his head around how everything happened so quickly.

"Fuck!" He rubs his temples. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

"Go after her, you moron!" Furat scolds him, almost.

"And say what?! Sorry I just told my ex I still love her? What the fuck was I thinking?" Barqat punches the wall so hard that Furat swears there a small crack. "Why the hell do you care about her so much?"

Furat frowns, "Because I see a small part of my old self in her but she's better than me, she's stronger than me, she loves you harder than I ever loved you." She sighs. "Stop lying to yourself, Barqat. It's clear as day you're only holding a grudge against me and the real person you're in love with is Dunia."

Barqat slams the nearby chair against the wall out of frustration. "I don't know what the hell is going on with me, I don't know what hell I want!"

"I know you loved me once. It was a time I don't regret, trust me. I know you don't regret it either because honestly, it helped you grow as a person. Hell, it helped me grow as a person too. Plus, this helped us find our true soulmates, Barqat! Allah helped us find our own way to our true love by giving us battles to fight." Furat exhales almost with relief. "Right now, the only advice I can give you is don't screw up what you have with her. We couldn't save us because it wasn't meant to be but you can save yourself by being with her, the girl who can give you the world without uttering a single complaint."

Barqat lets Furat's advice settle in: she's right. This whole time he didn't keep Furat's pictures, books, her things because he loved her, it's because he didn't want to forget that part of his life, he didn't want to forget that he was holding a grudge.

He slept with married women partly because of how his father had messed up his childhood. But the other half is because he wanted to ruin Furat's marriage. He had a twisted sense of revenge where he saw himself ruining her family one day.

And when Dunia walked into his life, she filled that void, she filled the emptiness with so much love and happiness. However, somehow, he hasn't realized he has fallen in love with her. He was so invested in his hurt, his bitterness against Furat, he almost forgot what love feels like so he wasn't able to identify it quick enough, not until Furat pointed it out.

"You didn't cheat, did you?" He asks one last time.

Furat shakes her head no, slowly. "Now that that's over and done with, go get your woman!"

• • •

Dunia kicks off her heels and runs outside barefoot. The cool air helps to steady her pounding heart.

"I fucking wish I hated you enough to stop loving you. It's driving me fucking psychotic, Furat!"

Dunia covers her ears, hoping her mind would stop replaying that over and over again. "Stop it! I don't want to hear it! Please, make it stop!"

She tries to hold everything in, but all the pain slit through her skin, wounding her heart. She feels her throat close up from wanting to sob loudly, which she refuses to do but the more her crying is silent, the more it hurts. The tears are sliding down her cheek, unstoppable and uncontrollably.

What happens now? What happens to me? Will he throw me away? Is this the end of my time with him? Did he never have a shred of love me this whole time? Was I just lost in my own fantasy during our bliss?

There's so many questions that concerns her role in his life now that her head begins pounding as if someone is beating her brain with a hammer.

"Dunia... Dunia!" Its his voice. His beautiful voice calling her name. Her name from his mouth still makes her heart skip a beat.

She wipes her tears yet they form again within seconds. "Please, please, just leave me alone."

He finally makes it in front of her. His becomes full of sorrow when he lays his eyes on Dunia's weak and broken state, this pulls at his heart strings. He holds the sides of her arms, "Dunia, I have something to say. Please, just hear me out."

She shakes off his grip harshly, making him wince. "I asked you to say something back in there, yet you had nothing to say. There's nothing you can say now that—"

He pulls her onto his chest, "I love you, Dunia Sheikh. I'm madly, insanely in love with you."

- - -

A/N: oh, dangggg, Barqat! Could've said that a while ago, you know. 🙄🙄🙄

y'all, I don't know if you can tell but this story is coming to end VERY soon! ☹️

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