[46] Find Him.

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A/N: I'm baaack! 💕

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It's been three weeks. Three weeks since Dunia hasn't laid her eyes upon the one person that brings the most joyful smile on her face yet brings the most uncontrollable tears in her eyes.

She's made it her goal to use this time to bring herself closer to her faith. She reads Nama'az five times a day like she always did but now, also, recites the Holy Qur'an after every Nama'az. She spends her days volunteering at the mosque or charity events and such as she stopped going to work for obvious reasons.

On the days she has nothing to do, she sits by the window ledge in Ashley's living room with a warm cup of tea, looking out at the busy world, as she relaxes herself by reading books about loving oneself, Islam, or some sweet romantic fiction.

From what Dunia's been up to these past three weeks, you might think that she's been able to find peace within herself, find that self-love that she's been in such desperate need of. And don't get her wrong, she did find peace. She found much more than peace, she found herself back to her faith that she had started to neglect for a short time. But, there is always something still missing in her life: the person she loves, Barqat Sheikh.

Barqat has been in the back of her mind 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. He hasn't contacted her in the past three weeks, not one text, email, didn't even send a hi through one of their mutual friends.

Can she blame him though? She selfishly left him to find peace within herself. She left him cold, leaving an ice cube in his heart and a snowflake in his soul (A/N: the first person who knows the song I got this from, will get a big virtual hug from me!).

"Hey... Dunia, you okay?" Ashley taps Dunia's shoulders.

"Yes, yes. I'm okay. I made dinner." Dunia smiles at Ashley.

"I love you, Dunia. I really really do. You keep my stomach and heart happy." Ashley grins.

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"Honestly, I haven't eaten out in the last three weeks for any of my meals and that saved me so much money. You should just marry me and feed me for the rest of my life." Ashley jokes as she takes a bite out of the Alfredo pasta Dunia has made for dinner.

"I should, shouldn't I? Barqat is probably not going to take me back." Dunia says with a hint of sadness in her voice.

Ashley frowns. "Don't say that! He's crazy about you! He'll take you back in a heartbeat, he'll be stupid not to." She takes another bite of her pasta as she says with her mouth slightly full, "You didn't leave him in any hurtful way, you just needed some time to find yourself and that's okay. Never feel guilty for needing to love yourself, do you understand me, missy?"

Dunia nods.

"Anyways, this is delicious as always! I'm going to eat three more plates." Ashley munchies away at her food.

"Did he come to work today?" Dunia asks.

Ashley shakes her head.

Dunia frowns. "He hasn't been to work for the past two weeks... I hope he's okay."

"I asked Imran about Barqat today and... I don't want you to freak out but they haven't been able to contact him for the past two weeks."

"What?! What do you mean?" Dunia's heart begins to beat in an uneasy rhythm.

"See, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to lose your mind but I guess you have the right to know." Ashley sighs. "Imran and Aamir have been trying to get in contact with him for a while but it's almost as if—as if he's disappeared off the phase of the Earth."

Dunia briskly stands up from her chair, almost falling backwards. It's as if someone's knocked the oxygen right out of her chest. "That's not a good sign, I have to go to him. I have to find him."

"Woah, woah, woah there, missy. It's 8PM right now, how about you sleep it off and go looking for him tomorrow." Ashley suggests.

"Ashley! I—I can't." Dunia couldn't form sentences, her heart is racing too fast, her palms are sweaty, she almost feels lightheaded. This can't be good, disappearing can't be good at all, she thinks to herself.

Ashley looks at Dunia's expression, "You're not going to listen to me now, are you?"

Dunia shakes her head, apologetically.

Ashley puts down her fork on her plate. "Alright, then. I guess we're going on Mission: Find Mr. Devil."

• • •

Past three weeks was literal hell for Barqat. The first week, he thought he could push through, go to work and keep his mind off of things. But by the second week, he became a mess, he couldn't drag himself out of bed on some days.

Dunia was and is the only thing swarming his mind. He had the world in the palm of his hands and he let that slip away, he let the only person who's made him a better person slip away because he couldn't do things right.

What if all the time away from him makes her realize that she's better off without him? What if she finds so much peace in her life without him that she'll never come back?

To shut his mind down, there was only one thing he could turn to in the last few weeks: alcohol. He became a drunkard, as simple and quick as that. For breakfast, he'd turn to wine, and by lunchtime he could barely form words without slurring everything that comes out of his mouth, yet would intake some whiskey. And by the evening, he'd turn to vodka and pass out.

Donatella tries to feed him but his behaviour becomes erratic and violent if she forces him too much so she lets it be after he takes some chips or light snacks.

He had stopped leaving his house for anything. Whenever Imran or Aamir come by, he orders Donatella to tell them he's not at home. His room became a disposal for empty cans and bottles of alcohol, expressing the mess that's inside of his own head.

He's slowly falling apart and it's not ones fault but his own. Dunia just needed some space from his toxic behaviour, something he knew would end him.

Barqat is groggy from his last shot of vodka. But his eyes are glued to the drawer of his nightstand beside his bed. There's something in there that could help him get out of his misery and bring peace to everyone around him, or so he thinks.

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A/N: oh, shit. What is this boi up to now?

Y'all!! This is really hella random but I saved up money and upgraded my phone!!! I got the new iPhone XS Max AND NOW IM TOTALLY BROKE ahaha! BUT TYPING ON WATTPAD ON THIS PHONE IS SO SMOOTH AND FUN. I JUST WANT TO KEEP TYPING BC ITS SO SATISFYING. 🤪

Anyways, none of y'all prolly care but I WAS JUST SO EXCITED. 😝

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