[12] Just A Little Crush.

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"Dunia!" Ashley snaps her fingers in front of Dunia's face, "Hello??? Miss Wonder Woman??? Earth to Dunia?"

Dunia snaps out of her daydreams, "Sorry, yes?"

Ashley smirks, "So... which gentleman are you thinking of?"

A blush begins creeping up Dunia's cheeks, "What? Who? No one!"

Ashley starts laughing, "Someone has definitely crept into your head. I want to know!"

Dunia shakes her head.

Ashley pouts, "Fine! I'll start guessing! Imran?"

Dunia shakes her head.

"The guy from the accounting department with the nice hair? The guy with the muscular arms from the management department? The guy with the handsome smile from the legal department?"

Dunia shakes her head no to all of them.

Ashley lets out a frustrated grunt, "Oh, oh, oh, The guy with the dreamy deep blue eyes in our very own marketing department?"

Dunia crinkles her nose because she has no clue who any of these people are, "Ashley, you need to st–"

"Who's the guy with the dreamy deep blue eyes in the marketing department?" It's Barqat.  He's looking at them with his brow raised in curiosity.

Dunia can feel her heart beating faster and faster, all of a sudden. It almost sounds like someone suddenly put a megaphone against her chest to amplify the sound of her heart beat.

"No one!" She says almost too defensively.

"What are you two talking about instead of doing the work you get paid lots of good money to do?" He says.

"Well, I'm trying to figure out who our little pious Dunia has a crush on." Ashley says causally.

"Ashley!" Dunia says, embarrassment is clear in her tone. She looks down at her feet, not being able to bear Barqat's gaze on her.

"Oh, really?" Barqat's voice sounds almost teasing. He takes a step closer to Dunia, "Who's this fellow that you are crushing on? I want in on the secret too..."

"It's no one, Sir." Dunia is a hundred and ten percent sure that her face has turned bright tomato red. She couldn't even look at him even if she wanted to because her face gave too much away.

"Ah, really? Then, why are you so flustered at the fact that I'm standing so close to you. It can't be that I'm the object of your affection, Ms. Bukhari?" Barqat's smirk intensifies.

Oh, geez, make him shut the frick up before my face blows up into tiny pieces from overheating... Dunia thinks to herself.

"Mr. Barqat Sheikh, I believe that the world doesn't revolve around you." Ashley says jokingly.

"You're right, Ms. Robertson. However, I believe that Ms. Bukhari's world might start revolving around me."

"Holy shit, Sir. That was smooth as hell." Ashley tries to grasp how extremely slick that was of Mr. Barqat. "Anyways, it isn't you, Sir. Am I right, Dunia?"

Dunia just wants to disappear into the walls and never be seen again. She became so flustered that she couldn't answer Ashley to brush off the subject.

"My God, can it be him?" Ashley fans herself dramatically.

Before Dunia could protest, Aamir pops into the conversation, "Why would she like Barqat? He's literally crappy at relationships. He isn't into any female who doesn't already have a ring on her finger and he wants them in as less clothing as possible."

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