[29] The Queen Will Save Her King.

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A/N: I wasn't going to post this chapter today because I haven't skimmed through it to make sure everything's okay, but y'all are really begging for this one within five minutes of posting chapter 28 😂. So, here it is! Enjoy! ☺️

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"She was Barqat's everything after his mother passed away. They were together since he was 16 until 20, him and Furat. He loved her to the point of no return. He would have created a whole country just for her and place her as a queen, if he could. She kept his heart beating through his hard time." There is so much poignancy in Donatella's voice.

She sounds very disappointed in Furat, Dunia thinks. Knowing Barqat loved another girl before sends sparks of envy through Dunia. Not in any hateful way towards Furat. It's just that there was someone he did love and cherish, however he will never love Dunia that way.

"She was such a sweet soul, she picked up every piece of Sir after his mother's death. No one expected her to leave him. That not only ruined him but basically demolished him. Sir caught her with another man a few days before they were set to marry... She is now married to the man she cheated on Sir with..."

Dunia draws in a sharp breath, out of severe shock of the whole situation. "SHE WHAT?! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT? That's horrible..." Dunia begins to understand, in some twisted way, why Barqat is set on trying to ruin so many marriages. He's been hurting since such a young age, his mentality has been tampered with.

"From what I gather, she could not handle Sir's emotional baggage. It became too much for her because he was gloomy a lot after his mother's death. She fell out of love with him. It's understandable, to be honest. He just began acting so different." Donatella sighs.

It doesn't matter, you're supposed to help him get through it. Not abandon him when he needs you the most. That won't only break a person, it'll ruin them for life, Dunia becomes almost sick from hearing what Barqat has gone through.

Donatella wraps up her story, "Mr. Barqat carries around so much hatred and bitterness at everyone in his family: his father is disloyal to his mother, his mother begins neglecting him because of her own heartbreak, his love of his life does to him what his father did to his mother. He's only 24 years old, yet he's gone through something that would be a nightmare for someone at even 80 years old. I'm very much surprised he hasn't gone mad."

Dunia nods in agreement. Someone like Barqat, who's carrying so much pain and betrayal on his shoulders, should've exploded by now. He should've not only lost his mind, but maybe lost himself completely by now.

"Can I say something, dear?" Donatella asks.

Dunia nods.

"I believe your presence has really eased Sir. I've seen him look more calm and relaxed. Since you've come around, he's been acting better. I just want to thank you for bringing him some peace because I've seen that boy grow and recently has been the first time I've seen him so laid back."

"Oh, no! I haven't been doing anything!" I'm pretty sure I've made everything worst, Dunia frowns.

Donatella smiles, "Trust me, he will come around. He's been through hell and back, he just needs a little push."

Dunia smiles back. Donatella is right, Barqat's been through hell. He's been constantly kicked to the side, constantly neglected, constantly left heartbroken. His behaviour clearly expresses his loneliness.

Dunia thinks about how her life has been rainbows and flowers compared to his. Yes, her mother tragically passed away from an illness when she was 10 years old. However, her dad didn't even marry until she was 12. Her stepmother treated her like her own, never once treated her with anything less than love. Dunia lived her whole 20 years of life in bliss.

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