Chapter 10

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"Where's your red coat?" Laxus suddenly asked looking at the purple long coat the swordsman was wearing.

They were still walking outside on a street and the man had been wondering it awhile why Freed wasn't wearing his usual coat, the one he liked so much.

"It needs repairing", Freed explained. "I had to take this since it is cold out here."

"I like your old coat better."

"I agree with that", Freed smiled.

He loved his red coat mostly because Laxus had bought it for him when he had been looking it at a store three years ago. He had wanted it but didn't have enough jewels so Laxus had just handed the money for the cashier. Freed chuckled to himself when he remembered how he had felt so proud wearing his coat since it was like a gift from Laxus. Well, he still did feel proud and his coat was one of his most treasured items.

"But as I said it needs repairing so I have to use this one", he stated and straightened the right sleeve cuff.

"Where did you buy that?" Laxus asked still observing all the tiny features of the purple coat.

"I didn't. It was a gift", Freed explained. That made Laxus suddenly flinch.

"A gift? From who?" he asked while narrowing his eyes.

"Huh? If I remember correctly this was from Lucy and Natsu", Freed recalled and wiped wet green hair from his face. "I usually only use my red coat and don't own other coats, so this was the only one available now that I can't use it." He had no need to buy other coats when he had one that was perfect.

"Take it off", Laxus snarled.

"What?" Freed asked blinking his yes at the sudden command.

"Take it off", Laxus repeated.

"But it's freezing out here!"

"Don't care. Take it off", Laxus said stubbornly.

Freed sighed and unbuttoned his coat and took it off. Laxus snatched it from his hands and slammed it in a nearest garbage can.

"You know, it was a perfectly fine coat", Freed said. "If I can't keep it then I could have donated it somewhere."

"Who cares", Laxus grumbled. "Now it's donated to rats to make nests out of."

"Fine", Freed gave up rolling his eyes. Guess there were no point talking about this to the Dragon Slayer right now.

Suddenly his shoulders felt a lot heavier and he looked down. Laxus' coat! He was wearing Laxus' big, dark coat! Ooh, it felt so warm and fluffy...

"I don't want you to catch a cold", Laxus murmured touching Freed's cheek with his finger. "So you have to bear with that coat now."

"Oh, it's... It's fine", Freed assured with a bright smile. "It's warm." And it smelled like Laxus.

They kept walking side by side, listening how the rain pattered around them. There was no need to talk. They could spend hours together, Freed reading and Laxus watching a lacrimavision or something and there was no need to talk at all. Freed liked it. He loved Evergreen and Bickslow like they were his siblings but sometimes they were just too noisy. And Laxus liked silence as well so they could be with each other but they didn't have to talk and they felt completely comfortable with that.

Suddenly Laxus stopped and Freed did the same now puzzled.

"What is the matter?" he asked.

"My house is this way", Laxus said nodding towards the other street. Freed hadn't even noticed how close Laxus' house was already.

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