Chapter 46

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In the next week Freed used most of his time in infirmary with Bickslow to keep him company. He also read the books he got from the library and made notes. He had asked Ever to get the books for him since he was too familiar with the staff in library and he didn't want to raise questions.

He was also doing his best to avoid Gajeel and Natsu, so when he heard Natsu had left to the mission with Lucy, Gray and Juvia, he was relieved. Gajeel was mostly only focused on Levy, so he could avoid him good enough.

After that week Wendy finally gave Bickslow a permission to leave the infirmary so he could rest at home. But he was still forbidden to go in any missions at least for two weeks. Since Freed had nothing else to do, he also mostly stayed at home to help Bickslow with whatever he needed. The seith mage had still a little bit problems with his feet, as he stumbled easily when walking in stairs. He had always been so flexible and acrobatic, Freed could tell that was frustrating as hell for him, even though Bicks did his best not to show it. But every day, he was doing better and better.

The nightmare Freed had in the library appeared almost every night now. He was in different locations, when in the Guild, when in their home, when on the streets of Magnolia and every time he did his best to get away from the demon who silently followed him, moving when he wasn't watching. Sometimes in his dream, especially when it was located in their house it just stood there watching him, doing nothing. When he tried to move away, it just reappeared somewhere close and kept staring at him. It was almost just as scary as when he was trying to run away from it.

Today he had to go see Porlyusica for the first examine and he was really tired. But he had to keep going, walking through the forest to the cottage. Levy had her time earlier so they wouldn't happen to meet each other, since Gajeel was obviously following her like a shadow everywhere.

Freed stepped on the porch and knocked the door. When he heard a familiar grunt he opened the door.

"Good morning, Porlyusica", he greeted and carefully wiped his shoes clean before stepping in.

"Finally, what took you so long?" the pink haired old woman tisked looking at him.

"Am I late?"

"You could have come earlier", Porlyusica said and Freed sighed to himself. There was no way to please this woman.

Porlyusica looked at him from top to bottom.

"You look weary", she noticed.

"I am", Freed nodded. "I'm having troubles to sleep well."

"You useless humans are making my research harder. Take off your coat and shirt and sit there", Porlyusica commanded.

Freed put his coat on the rack with his belt and folded his shirt neatly on the back of a chair with the scarf. Then he sat down where Porlyusica pointed.

"Why can't you sleep?" she asked putting her hand on the mark.

"Just some nightmares, nothing to worry about", Freed assured. "Was Levy okay?"

"If you wanted to know that, you should have come with her at the same time."

"I think it's better if I keep my distance from Gajeel..."

Now Porlyusica seemed a little bit interested.

"Why so?" she asked while writing something in her book.

"I don't want him to notice my pregnancy and... I have a feeling he really don't want me to come near Levy anymore. Maybe it has something to do with the dragon instincts or similar. I mean, it's not like we are good friends in the same way as I am with Levy, but we are still friends." They were really good friends with Levy so obviously he was bound to get to know Gajeel better also, not that he complained. "We usually talk this and that, but now it sometimes feel like he either ignores me completely or just stares at me as if trying to figure if he should just not care or should he hate me."

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