Chapter 55

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The Thunder Legion with their beloved God travelled through the white fields towards the north and big mountains.

"Damn this weather", Laxus grumbled and as always, was just laying on a bench, head on Freed's lap. He looked out of the window and saw how heavy snowstorm was whirling outside.

"Don't worry, this train is sturdy and it is build in a way that it can run no matter how bad the weather is", the rune mage assured.

"Though, if there is a landslide or something that has blocked the road then we have nothing else to do than wait", Bickslow said. "I told Mira to call for the client and say that we're on our way, but the client warned that it is not unusual that the train has to stop because of the landslide or the avalanche."

"Great, just great", Laxus growled.

Their journey continued peacefully, until indeed the train suddenly started to slow down quickly, making them almost fall from their seats.

"I'm guessing there is troubles", Ever groaned and they stood up, even Laxus forced himself up and did his best not to care about the hideous nausea bubbling in his stomach and in his throat.

"Let's go find out what is wrong and offer our help if we can do anything", Freed said and they stepped on the hallway.

Many other passengers also stepped out of the train that had stopped. They could see the problem clearly when they arrived at the head of the train, where engineers were also looking at the view.

"Damn..." Bickslow hissed. "That ain't gonna be an easy task to remove", he said.

The trails went between the two massive cliffs, but now the passage was covered with rocks, snow, mud, trees and everything.

"No way in hell this train can get through that", Laxus grumbled. "It takes days before they can move all that from the trails."

"Excuse me", Freed said politely and they stepped closer to the engineers. "How is the situation?"

"Not good", the head engineer said shaking his head. "This train won't move even an inch forward."

"When can you open that road again?" Bicks asked.

"We have to ask mages to clean it and it might take days. Or we could open it with shovels and picks but that would take days too."

He flinched.

"Are you mages, perhaps?" he asked and there was a glint of hope in his eyes.

"We are", Laxus said. "But I don't believe we have magic that could safely open the road."

"We could destroy those cliffs completely", Bicks grinned, making the engineers pale. "Should we do that?"

"We can't", Freed scolded. "That would bee too dangerous and it would affect the nature here too much."

"You could use your runes so -"

"I can't, today is not my day obviously", Freed muttered and he drew some runes that disappeared almost immediately.

"My fairies are not suitable to destroy something that large", Ever said looking at cliffs. "And Laxus would probably just destroy this whole area."

"Shut up", Laxus grunted.

The train engineers sighed.

"Well, it rarely happens that there is someone who can help right away", the other one said.

"So are we just gonna stay put here and wait?" Bickslow asked. "We can't do that! We have a client waiting for us!"

"Only way to get to Naava Town from here is either through that passage, or walking over the mountain", the head engineer said and pointed a way. "If you start now and spend a night in the forest, you should arrive at the town tomorrow noon, depending how fast you can walk."

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