Chapter 50

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Hello! ^^ Well, it's finally time for the chapter 50! My, this story really got out of hands, I just can't stop writing. But that's alright, since I really enjoy writing it. I'm doing much better now, no more fever or pain or anything but I still can't go back to work for the rest of the week. So I guess there's nothing else to do than write :D Not that I complain. Thank you for all of your support, comments, votes and reading this story! I was really hoping I could give you something more since it's the 50th chapter, an extra-long chapter or even some drawing or similar but well... I hope you're not really disappointed ^^' Anyway, let's continue the story!


Telling the news to the Guild was more easier than Freed actually thought. He was scared that maybe his pregnancy was too odd even for the Fairy Tail to understand but once again he was happily surprised by the fact of how open and acceptive their Guild was. They were happy to hear there would be another new little fairy to join in their wild lines. And when the most of the members were back from their missions, there were big party because for Fairy Tail, that was the obvious thing to do when someone had good news like this.

Probably the one most happiest for them was Master Makarov, who kept repeating how glad he was to be able to see his great-grandchild before he would drop dead. And Dreyar-line would live again yet another generation. Freed just smiled thinking about it. Of course their child would be a Dreyar. Justine was a nice name, he would probably change his name to Justine-Dreyar, but their child would definitely be a Dreyar, that was what he wanted. It would be too confusing for the child to keep both surnames.

"Here we are and everything ended well", Levy smiled sitting next to Freed.

"Yes", he chuckled. "Better than I could even imagine."

"Laxus seems proud", Levy smiled looking at the lightning dragon slayer, who was arguing loudly with Gajeel about something.

"He seems drunk", Freed laughed. "But I forgive him that."

"Of course you do", Levy giggled. "And it seems like they still get along with Gajeel. Though, we should still be careful."

"Yes. This is only the beginning. Who knows what might still happen", Freed said, looking how Natsu barged in and then Gray and they were followed by others. "But right now they are acting just like before", he smiled. "Or not completely, I think I have never seen Laxus that happy to join in the fight with others. He usually doesn't want to get involved."

"He's a little bit too proud to do something childish like that."

"That is quite true. It is nice to see him having so much fun."

Levy looked at Freed and smiled.

"Do you think the little ones might inherit the dragon slayer magic?" he asked.

"I don't believe it will happen just like that", Freed said. "But I do believe they have far more bigger chance to be able to maintain such a power. This magic is from dragons, but dragon slayers are still just humans. It is of course obvious that dragon hatchlings will inherit the dragon magic because it's in their blood, but dragon slayers are not related to their dragons, only taught by them with this magic."

"Except for Laxus", Levy reminded and Freed nodded.

"That actually crumbles the theory that dragon slayer magic can only be taught by dragons. Even if people would say Laxus is not a real dragon slayer because his power came from lacrima, the results are still the same. He may not be taught by a dragon, but he still has a part of his dragon inside him. He's self taught, just like there must have been dragon hatchlings who were orphaned and they had to learn everything by themselves. It is harder than being taught by someone, but if they survive it makes them stronger than most of the others. There must be thousands of lacrimas out there just like Laxus' own, hidden somewhere far, forgotten by time."

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