Chapter 49

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In the next morning, Freed looked at himself from the mirror, tied his hair, checked that everything was in order and gave himself an approving nod and he was ready to head to the Guild. It was all thanks to Porlyusica's herbal tea that he wasn't hugging the toilet all morning feeling sick. It didn't always work, but today was obviously a good day.

Freed buckled his belt and straightened his sword, then he stepped in the bedroom.

"Laxus, seriously, you need to get up", he scolded folding his arms, looking at the blonde who was still laying in the bed. He heard nothing but sleepy growling that almost instantly turned into snore. "Master is waiting for you to appear at the Guild. It's already nine o'clock", Freed said and he pulled away the blanket.

"Don't care..." Laxus grumbled not opening his eyes.

"You should care. Are you going to ruin everything, make that whole two months being apart worthless just because you're a little sleepy? I made you coffee ready in the kitchen and a breakfast, so eat, take a shower, shave your stubble and dress up."

"I hate it when you're that dutiful for the first thing in the morning..."

"At least someone has to make sure you complete your mission with honour. Now get up, I have to go so make sure you won't take too long."

"What? Wait, where are you going?" Laxus asked finally lifting his head from the pillow, blond hair a total mess. "Why are you leaving?"

"We can't arrive at the Guild together", Freed noted and he stepped at the hallway. "You're not supposed to be here."

"They know already I'm back", Laxus yawned and he stood up. "We could go together."

"No, Master clearly said you are not allowed to take contact with anyone from the Guild before your mission is over. He was kind to give you an exception so we could meet, but now you have to obey the rules again. After I walk through that door, we cannot interact before you talk with Makarov, give him your report and complete your mission."

Laxus watched how Freed zipped up his boots and straightened himself. He pulled his arms around the smaller man.

"I don't want you to go alone", he murmured.

"I'll be fine", Freed smiled touching the lightning mage's cheek. "I'm just walking to the Guild. When the mission is over, you can follow me around until I'm sick of your overprotective dragon side."

"Too bad you just have to tolerate it", Laxus snickered. "'Cause I'm not gonna stop no matter how much it annoys you."

"Lucky me. Now I need to go", Freed said but big strong arms didn't let him go. "I mean it, Laxus."

Finally Laxus let go of him, but with a disapproving grunt. Freed just smiled.

"I'll see you soon", he said opening the door. "Just don't go back to sleep", he chuckled and stepped outside the door, starting his journey towards the Guild.

Freed arrived at the Guild and looked around. Seemed like everything was normal. He walked towards the bar counter and smiled when Mirajane spotted him.

"Good morning", Mira said happily.

"Good morning, Mirajane", Freed said and he sat on the bar stool.

"So?" the white haired mage smiled leaning over the counter, clearly waiting for Freed to say something.

"So... What?" Freed asked.

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