Chapter 52

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Freed woke up at night and he wasn't sure what the time was. Laxus was sleeping relaxed next to him, snoring as always. Quietly Freed sat up and set his feet on the cold floor, as he really needed to go to the bathroom even though it would be really nice to just keep sleeping.

Without a sound he opened the bedroom door and stepped on the hallway. He used the bathroom and returned, looking around in the almost dark house. He heard snoring from the living room so he peeked in there, chuckling when he saw Bickslow sleeping on a couch, blanket only partially over him and the pillow had already dropped on the floor. Freed looked at the rack and saw also Ever's coat there so she was probably sleeping at the quest room. He had been the first one to fall asleep at evening so he didn't know they decided to stay over the night.

He smiled and stepped in the kitchen, taking out a glass and filled it with water. He drank it down and for a moment, he didn't even know why, he just stayed there staring at the sink and his sleepy thoughts wandered.

Laxus, Bicks and Ever had told him what they spoke with Valdeghar. Sure, he knew Lucados was a strong wizard, but he had no idea he was that strong. And Valdeghar had only mentioned about his power with demons, who knows what he could also do? He was also curious of how Lucados managed to give his demons form of their own, without using his own body. If he could summon Valdeghar or Umanor like that...

Freed sat down on the chair in the dark kitchen and now he stared at the empty glass on the table. To accomplish something like calling Valdeghar out without using his form by himself, it definitely needed lots of training. He could guess that it would also took enormous amounts of magic.

And how did those demons appear in his dreams? Why was he feeling the coldness even when he woke up? He did warm up again quickly but still... There were so many questions and part of him really wanted to return back to that old mansion just so he could demand answers directly from his grandfather. Freed knew it was a crazy idea, but how else could he get answers? It was part of his nature to be curious to learn more and to be honest, he was really starting to get annoyed when he couldn't explain to himself what exactly was happening.

Though, he knew Laxus definitely wouldn't agree with this plan. He understood it, if the tables were turn, he would act the same way. Lucados wanted him back and he was actually thinking just walking back home and there were obvious risks in it. He might not be able to return back to Fairy Tail once he stepped again inside that mansion.

Of course... He could always wait. And after the birth of their child he could let Laxus take care of him and go just by himself. Then there would be no danger for the child. But could he wait that long? Would Lucados let them have that much time? Valdeghar had already warned him more than just once.

Freed just sat there and tried to figure out what he should do. At some point he heard a small creak from the door and then steps. He smiled when big arms wrapped around him.

"Why are you up?" Laxus murmured with a yawn.

"I just needed to use the bathroom", Freed whispered. "Don't wake up Bickslow."

"Not even fireworks in the middle of the living room could wake him up just like that, you know it. Come back to bed, babe."

"Just a moment", Freed promised and he stood up and filled the glass again, then he returned back to the bedroom with Laxus.

He put the glass down on the night stand and slipped back under the blanket, Laxus following him right after. Freed smiled when the big arms pulled him closer against the Thunder God's body.

"Try to sleep more, it's still middle of the night", Laxus said. "And we don't need to go anywhere in the morning. Yesterday was pretty exhausting for you."

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