Chapter 31

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They had their bruises taken care of and then they went to the big living room. Freed and Ever were sitting on the couch waiting for their punishment as Laxus and Bickslow were talking about it. Or more like arguing because of it.

"No way! They should dress up like maids!" Laxus said.

"No! It wouldn't be enough of a punishment! You just want to see Freed dressed up as a maid! Do that in your own time in your bedroom!"

"Naughty Laxus!" the 'babies' snickered.

"They might spend the rest of the evening just arguing about that", Ever muttered as they were drinking tea with Freed.

"It wouldn't be surprising if that actually happened", Greenette nodded. "It's not like it would be the first time they argue about something the whole evening."

"Maybe they should dress up as cheerleaders?" Laxus suggested and the Tiki dolls started somekind of a dance together behind him.

"Or something funny, like clowns", Bicks snickered. "What do you say, Dubois?" he asked the butler. "Tell us what we should do."

"Well, if you want my opinion sir", the butler said with discreet. "There is no need to dress them both in similiar clothes? Why don't both of you choose which one you want to dress up?" he said and Freed sighed.

"Dubois, how could you?" he groaned.

"I'm terribly sorry sir, but I had no choice. They practically forced me to answer", Dubois answered with a tiny little smile.

"Yes, I saw how much you suffered and screamed because they were torturing you..."

"All the agony happened inside me, sir. It was brutal. I really did my best to hold back", Dubois chuckled and left to check out if the kitchen staff had started to prepare ingredients for the dinner. They were planning to use that big grill near the pool.

"That is not a bad idea", Bicks said and Laxus nodded. "I will pick Freed", the seith mage said.

"What? Why?" Laxus snarled.

"Because you would just do something dull. No offence but dressing him up as a maid is just boring. Everyone can easily imagine him like that and he just probably pulls it off better than most of the girls."

"Not sure if I should feel relieved or offended", Freed muttered annoyed.

"But where do we get the outfits?" Laxus pondered.

"I know I'm going to regret this, but..." the rune mage sighed and stood up.

They walked to the hallway and took couple of turns and climbed up different stairs than before.

"Where are we now?" Ever asked curiously.

"This is the north side of the mansion, here my grandparents and parents kept all the theater props they had. They hosted many special events here and the crowd was allowed to dress up as well and sing along and so on."

Freed opened the large, beautifully ornamented doors that let out a little creak.

"Another hall?" Bicks snorted looking around when Freed turned on the lights.

"This is the lobby", Freed explained. "People can have drinks and snacks here and talk with each other on breaks."

"Wow, your family knew how to make things fancy in parties", Laxus murmured.

"It's not like they were behaving like some royals", Freed chuckled. "Mostly people who came here were commoners from the town. It was really fun actually, nobody knew beforehand how the evening would end. Sometimes there were crime stories and one of the crowd was 'murdered' and the rest had to figure out who the murderer was before there would be more victims. Dubois has been the murderer at least five times I have heard."

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