Chapter 71

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Bickslow quickly flew out of the way with his dolls when four trees flew at his direction and they crashed heavily to the ground. He had been hit with rocks and mud and almost everything you could find from forest and it felt almost impossible to even approach the demon that was now standing on top of the big boulder

"Would you stop throwing stuff at me?!" he yelled annoyed, when Moranga just stayed on its spot. "Come on! Don't just stand there without saying a thing, it's really creepy. It is good manners to at least tell what moves you're gonna use!" he scolded.

Moranga tilted its head, almost looking curious and Bickslow huffed stepping back on the ground.

"He's odd", Pippi announced hovering next to Bickslow.

"I know, baby."

"Why do we name our moves?" Peppe asked.

"I don't know, we just do. But we have to defeat him so we can go help Ever and then Laxus and Freed. You aren't tired yet, are you?"

"No! We can fight!" all five Tiki dolls assured with confidence and Bickslow grinned.

"Alright, let's wrap this up quickly then, babies. You know what to do."

"Yes!" 'babies' laughed and with green flash they took their other forms. Moranga seemed to flinch when suddenly there were more foes against it.

Bickslow smirked.

"I was hoping that Loke would be the first one who I would defeat with this, but I guess I have no choice but to settle with you", the seith mage grinned deviously and 'babies' snickered. "Soul Cape: Puppu", Bickslow said his eyes shining through the visor.

Moranga followed how one of the dolls suddenly disappeared. But then that big man looked different. There was new colour in his hair and he had slimmer body...

The demon twitched when suddenly that odd man was right in front of him with his wide smirk. Bickslow cackled when taking support from the rock and gave a good kick to the side of the demon, sending it fly through the air and crash on the ground.

"Feels nice to get kicked around, baby?" he laughed.

"We're good!" 'babies' yelled proudly.

The seith mage snorted when the ground shook and Moranga flew up in the air.

"I though that wasn't enough. Soul Cape: Poppo", he said when it was obvious that the demon was planning some kind of an attack.

Moranga's cape moved and something dark blue was glimmering through it. Bickslow snickered and as his hair had earlier turned yellow, now they turned brown. Moranga let out somekind of a howling noise and in the same second the whole ground moved like it was pure water. Huge tsunami of dirt, mud, rocks and everything moved ahead and burrowed Bickslow under it, making trees crash against each other, rocks and boulders to shatter and sink because they were so heavy, the whole landscape chanced because of that one huge attack.

When everything finally settled, Moranga was seeking around trying to find where that funny man had gone. Did he die?

"You're gonna need much more power to surpass Poppo's defences!" Bickslow cackled and the ground crackled.

Brown shield broke the ground and let Bickslow and his dolls free from his grave. He hopped up and grinned wickedly at the demon.

"Surprised, baby?" he cackled. "Soul Cape: Pippi!" he said and this time red young soul disappeared, while Bickslow's hair and tattoos took dark red colour. His muscles bulged as he gained much more power. "Not done yet, I'm gonna end this here and now", Bickslow said. "We are too busy to waste more time. Soul Duo: Pippu!"

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