Chapter 23

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"122. So have you guys come up with anything for the Autumn Festival? 123, we have only one month time to prepare and we have to use three days on that escort mission", Ever counted and talked with Freed at the same time.

"127, not yet, we haven't even thought about it yet, 128", Freed said. "Apparently Master wants something really showy, 129."

"Yes, 125, I was thinking using my newest technique I have been working on", Ever chuckled mysteriously.

"New technique?" Freed asked curiously looking at his friend. "What kind?"

"It's still a secret but I promise it will be glorious", Ever giggled. "You're all gonna drop your jaws."

"Hey, don't get distracted", Bickslow panted.

"I'm not! It's 129 now!" Ever said.

"134", Freed said smugly arms crossed. "Laxus will win at this rate."

"Hell yeah", Laxus grinned with sweat dropping from his chin.

"130. Seriously! You're too slow!" Ever scolded the seith mage.

"Freed must be lying!" Bicks groaned.

"Rules prevent us from lying in the counting and rules are absolute", Freed stated without hesitation. "As long as we are here, runes will count your progress and they shall not disappear before you or Laxus hit 200 with push ups. You yourself wanted to take this challenge so you can only blame yourself. 138."

"134, Bicks! At this rate we're going to lose and then we have to pay next month's rent just ourselves!" Ever screamed slamming the blue haired mage's head with her fan.

"Faster! Faster!" 'babies' cheered.

"Your attempt to win is futile", Freed chuckled. "140."

"I'm sure you're lying!" Bicks snarled. "You can make those runes do whatever you want!"

"Maybe, but that wouldn't be exactly honourable."

"Less talking and more moving, slacker", Ever said.

"It's easy for you to say! You're just sitting there on my back doing nothing! You have any idea how much you weight, baby?"

"You calling me fat?!" Ever screamed and Freed covered his ears in pain, sitting on Laxus' back while the dragon slayer was doing his push ups.

"Well you ain't as light as a fairy though you pretend to be one!" Bicks taunted.

"You jerk!" Ever hissed hitting Bickslow's head and she got up. "I'm not helping you, pay the rent by yourself."

"Yes! Now we're talking!" Bicks cackled and his pace accelerated.

"We had a deal", Freed reminded frowning. "You guys wanted to have more challenge so me and Ever would serve as weights."

"Yeah, but that came after you had already written the rules", Bicks grinned. "So this is not cheating!" he guffawed and his counting number for push ups increased on the rune wall.

"I ain't gonna lose!" Laxus growled and he sped up as well.

"Do you want me to get off?" Freed asked looking down.

"No! I will win with rules we set even if they are not written in the runes!" Laxus said with determination that made Freed smile. Yes, that was his Laxus!

Ever just pouted and sat on the rock looking around. This was their usual training ground, in the middle of the forest and near there were river and a beautiful big waterfall. She chuckled when despite being free from the extra weight Bickslow started to slow down after 170.

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