Chapter 60

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It was still the middle off the night when Freed woke up.

"Seriously... Why are you making my life miserable..." he sighed as he had to get up and put on his shirt, so he could go to the bathroom. Lately, he had started to wake up almost exactly the same time every night because he had to use the toilet.

And it was frustrating mostly because Laxus didn't seem to even wake up anymore, just turning to his other side and kept snoring. It really irritated Freed, even though he knew it was stupid. But wasn't he allowed to do stupid things?

After using the toilet, he stepped in the dark hallway.

"And now I'm hungry", he growled annoyed, walking towards the stairs. His son was really testing his nerves this time. But of course he forgave him everything.

After eating some leftovers from the dinner, Freed yawned and was ready to head back to bed. But when he walked past the door that connected the book store and the house, he got curious. Laxus was sleeping, he wouldn't notice him being away longer anyway. And he was still angry because the Thunder God just kept sleeping while he was trying his best to adjust to all the whims their son made him do. This was all Laxus' fault, obviously.

Freed opened the door quietly and looked around. Even he had to admit that the book store was slightly creepy in the middle of the night, all lights off and nothing but big shelves around, full of books.

He shivered slightly when he remembered Moranga and how he first time saw that demon in the Guild's library. He still vividly remembered how terrified he felt then.

"Bicks? Ever?" he whispered looking around.

"Freed?" he heard Ever's surprised whisper.

There were rustling and then steps and a really dim yellow light. Ever appeared behind one of the big cases, with a tiny little fairy sitting on her shoulder giving her some light.

"What are you doing here?" the brunette asked. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, don't worry", Freed smiled. "Where's Bickslow?"

"He's guarding the second floor. Why are you here?"

"I just got curious how everything is going."

"Everything's fine so go back to bed, you idiot", Ever scolded. "You are not allowed to be here, or are you planning to break the rules?"

"What? Of course not! I would never break the rules", Freed said slightly offended. "I'm not joining you to the job, I only came to see how you're doing."

"You're extending that rule big time right now. Laxus would kick our asses if we let you stay here."

"Laxus is asleep so don't worry."

"What are you guys whispering there?" they heard Bicks' voice and saw the seith mage at the stairs. "Are we having a slumber party here?" he snickered.

"No, Freed just got curious and doesn't seem to understand right now how stupid he is. He's going back to bed now", Ever huffed, crossing her arms and looked at Freed. "Something might happen and it is not good if you're here then, sweetie. If you meddle with this, that is breaking the rule no matter how you would try to talk your way out of it."

"I know, Ever", Freed sighed. "I'll go back, I don't want to cause any trouble for you."

"Good", Ever said.

Bickslow went back to the second floor and Ever in her own hiding place and Freed started to walk back to the door. That was when he suddenly heard a small rustling sound coming from the front door and he immediately hid behind a bookshelf.

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