CHAP.6: Visitor

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  "Doctor Williams is dead!" 

  That sentence rang through my head all night and until the morning. So Doctor Annoying is dead? I didn't feel bad he was dead. Why would I? I wanted to be the one to kill him. But that was a question. Who did kill him? Did someone hear of what I did and decide to help me out by taking it into their own hands? Did someone else have a grudge on him? I didn't know. I hated not knowing things. It was so frustrating! Who would have had a motive to help me? Okay...who were the people I knew here?

  Aaron. The big gorilla. Big...but no motive and not so smart. Richard glasses. Smart but no motive to help me. Twitchy. Not even an option. Greenwood? Ha! That fat ass wouldn't help me. Who else did I know? Jerome? Maybe...but why would he go through the trouble? He had acted weird when I had explained why  I had stabbed the doctor in the neck. But still, it made no sense to help me like that. Maybe I should talk to him at lunch. 

                                                         |TIME SKIP|

  Lunch was here and I was trying to think of what to say to Jerome about the whole "doctor annoying being dead and did you do it" topic. Not exactly the type of conversation I would like to be having at the moment. But I knew I had to so I just stared at the floor as I was led to the cafeteria by a guard, thinking of what to say. 

  As I reached the cafeteria and went in line with a tray, I still thought about it. As the the cafeteria lady dropped some slop of what looked like corn and barf onto my tray, I still thought. I walked over to Jerome and I's normal table and waited for him to show up. I didn't know why I was acting so weird about it. Yes I wanted the doctor dead but if Jerome did it for me then that would be a first anyone had ever done for me. 

  "Hello beautiful." I heard him say as he sat down next to me. I looked at him with a smile. A fake one of course. 

  "Hey." I greet. He noticed my change in mood immediately. He turned his full self to face me, both legs on either side of the long cafeteria seat. 

  "Okay. What's going on?" He said in a suspicious voice. When I didn't answer he put both hands on the sides of my cheeks and rose the corners of my mouth wider. "Smmmmmillleeee." I laugh a bit as he does this. He always did make me laugh whenever I was feeling down. I stop laughing and move his hands and he places them down in front of him. 

  "Did you hear what happened the Doctor Williams last night?" I say, finally remembering the guys name. Funny that I remembered it after he was dead. He laughed. 

  "Yeah! It was so...chaotic last night! Sooo fun." He says with a clap of his hands. I lean in a bit. 

  "But don't you find it a bit strange?" I ask. "That only the day after I stab him in the neck someone finish's off my work?" He looks up, making a face of thought before waving his hand. 

  "Nah." He says. I roll my eyes. 

  "I'm serious. I just think it's weird." I say. "Do you have any idea who might have done it? You've been here longer than I have. Does anyone have a grudge on him more than I do?" He shrugs and looks around, scanning the cafeteria. He looks back at me. 

  "Nope." He says, popping the P. 

  "I don't know how he died. All I heard was people screaming last night." I say. He looks around with a wide smile before leaning in towards me, going serious.

  "I hear his throat was cut so bad he was almost decapitated." He says, laughing lowly as a slow smile creeps up his face. God I would have loved to see that. I then think of my real question. 

grace under pressure • jerome valeskaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon