CHAP.43: Under Our Thumb

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  Eight months later

  This puny pathetic asylum was so easy to bend it was like breathing. You don't even think about breathing. That just explained how easy it was further! I found it funny the guards could be paid off so easily. The inmates were even easier. They just needed someone to look up to. Lucky for them, Jerome and I fit that job description.

  When we came to this asylum once again, we managed to get everything organized in our own way. So was chaos. Pure and utter chaos. And that's how we liked it. We ran things our way. If I wasn't so upset about the circus thing I would say I actually loved it here! It was soooooo much fun! It was still dull though so I had decided to paint my room up a bit. 

  Since Jerome and I basically ran the asylum, we got to have things others could not. Like...paint for example. Red, green, purple, and pink pain. Yep. I had lathered my room in various paint colors and I loved it! I had hated the dullness of this place with a burning passion every time I stepped foot here and now I finally got to do something about it! Jerome did nothing to his room really except draw HA HA's on his walls with black chalk. 

  Jerome and I spent almost every moment together, me sleeping in his room most of the time. Ever since he died I had never wanted to be away from him again and he seemed to feel the same way about me. His arm around my waist thing was still going on all the time and I loved it. He was really something. I knew that already but I think about it most of the time. I don't know how I got a guy as amazing as Jerome. He was the whole package. 

  Speaking of Jerome, I currently had my head on his lap as he ordered some people to make us be entertained. He had been especially bored today so he kept trying to make the inmates dance and such. I was picking my nails as he moved his hands around and chuckled as an inmate fell straight on his face when getting pushed to the ground. I cracked a smile as well. 

  I had gotten used to his hair and now poked and prodded at it whenever I got the chance. Sometimes just for fun while other times it was just to make him annoyed. That normally ended in him growling and kissing me to get my attention off his hair. And that turned to other things that involved the bed room. And so on. 

  It was still a bit strange. Being back here a third time. I remember when I aimlessly walked these halls for a year because I had turned my brain off. Imagine that. Turning off your brain because something so emotionally painful happened to you. It's funny how the human brain works. God a lot has happened to me in the past three years. Sooooo much fun. If I knew I'd get this much action if I just killed my parents I would have done it ages ago!

  I tilt my head a little as I watch the inmates dance around like monkeys. I sigh. I was bored. I was the type of person to get bored very quickly and when I was bored I do almost anything to make it so I was not bored again. That was normally not good for the people around me. Jerome seemed to notice and he looked down at me, tilting his head with a small pout. 

  "I heard ya sigh. Bored?" He asks, taking a piece of my hair and curling it in his fingers. I smile at him. He knew me so well. 

  "Yeah I guess." I tell him. He looks up towards one of the inmates. He points a finger to him. 

  "You! Dance better for the lady will ya!" He yells. The man starts yelling harder. I chuckle and put a finger to Jerome's cheek, guiding his gaze back to me. He raises a brow. I shake my head. 

  "Not like that. I mean bored as in bored of this place." I say then motion to everything. He sighs and nods, putting a small kiss on my forehead. 

grace under pressure • jerome valeskaWhere stories live. Discover now