Chapter 7

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The events of last night warp into nightmares as Eliza tries to sleep till morning. She tosses restlessly in her bed; the feather pillows are uncomfortable and her duvet too warm. Sighing in defeat she glances at her clock and groans; it is only 6 in the morning. Too early to get up. Eliza knows her uncle often rises after 7, therefore, she only has to wait an hour or so before she can talk to him about her engagement. She shudders at the thought. How to tell your uncle you are to marry after all your protests about matches and men?

Eliza can't quite believe she is waking up today with a husband to be. A man she not only dislikes but is a duke of all things! A duke! Which means she will become a duchess after the wedding. Ah, the wedding. She rolls over and groans louder into her pillow. Her wedding. No marriage is complete without a wedding. Oh, how she wishes she could avoid all the chaos and attention a wedding would bring, in fact, she wishes she could have avoided last night in its entirety, so she wouldn't be waking up with a fiancé or a wedding to partake. Eliza sits up on her bed and crosses her legs comfortably. Cecily knows not to wake her mistress before 8 which gives Eliza time to think. Last night she didn't do much of that. After Jasper left she sat in the Library drinking until Charlotte appeared with Cecily, got her into a carriage and drove her home. The whiskey made the journey blur together and she can only remember stripping her dress off and crawling into bed. Staring at the mirror Eliza tilts her head to properly look at herself. The girl in front certainly doesn't look like a duchess, she looks like a scared, nervous girl, not a rich confident wife.

The blasted dress from last night is discarded on the floor, Eliza slips off her bed and picks up the gorgeous material. It is still beautiful and hangs innocently, a surge of anger floods through her blood. She pulls open her window, wincing at the immediate blast of cold air and throws the dress outside, it flutters in the wind looking like a red ghost until it gently settles on the ground. If she had not worn that dress would things be different? If she hadn't been so riled up by the duke's words would she be free? Eliza slams her window shut, the glass rattles in the frame. It doesn't matter now, what's done is done and she has to deal with the consequences. She sits down on the poof in front of the vanity, her hairstyle from the ball has not been taken out, only the pearls removed. She begins to take down the curls from the plait, they fall in sections until they are all free and wind their way down her back.

Knock knock. There's a swift knock on her door.

"Come in." She calls as she tries to comb her hair. The door swings open.

"Eliza." Her uncle looks nervous, he hovers by the doorway, unsure whether to come in or not.

"Uncle." Eliza says surprised, "Will you sit down?" She gestures to an armchair with fat blue cushions and places the comb back down. Benjamin strides and sits down with a nod. Eliza swivels to face her uncle who coughs uncomfortably, he seems to be looking everywhere but at her. She glances down at herself and sees she is only in her nightgown, but this is the least amount of clothes her uncle has ever seen her in and blush spreads through her cheeks.

"Oh." Eliza pulls a shawl that is hanging on her bed and covers herself. Her uncle seems better as he looks directly at her.

"I don't know where to start." He runs a hand through his hair, "I am pleased, shocked of course and a little hurt but happy for you." He gives his niece a gentle smile

"Uncle I don't..." Eliza starts confused.

"Harrington came to see me this morning so you don't have to hide anymore." He says knowingly. Eliza's eyes widen and she looks at the clock, it's only 6:45, he already called here?

"What did he say to you uncle?" She asks nervously.

"That the reason you didn't tell me was because you needed to make sure it was love." He says with a happy smile, "Of course I wish you told me as soon as it happened but still."

To Defy A DukeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz