Chapter 62

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They arrive at the house at ten minutes to eight. Jasper opens the carriage door and helps Eliza out. Golden twinkling lamps outline the central London manor, the tinkle of an orchestra from inside trickles outside to the arriving guests are they are welcomed into the festive ball.  Jasper and Eliza follow the swarm of brightly dressed guests inside to the warmth. 

Servants stand in the doorway, they take the coats from the guests as the wait to greet the hosts. Eliza notices Rosemarie standing between her parents in a plum gown, nerves are written all over her face as she greets everyone, she sees Eliza and turns a deep shade of red. Rosemarie's mother smiles and laughs as people compliment her house and family, she bathes in the warm light of praise. 

The couple in front Jasper and Eliza say their goodbyes to the hosts and move into the ballroom. Rosemarie and her parents look towards Jasper and Eliza as they step forward, Eliza feels herself being looked up and down but she refuses to react. 

"Lady Carrick." Jasper kisses the hand of Rosemarie's mother. "Thank you for inviting us." 

"Tis a delight to have you in our humble company." She replies daintily, sweeping a curl out of her face. "Have you met my daughter?" 

Rosemarie turns an even brighter shade of scarlet, Jasper bows to the embarrassed girl. 

"I remember we met at Lady Charlotte's engagement ball. It's lovely to see you again." 

"And you." Rosemarie murmurs as she curtseys. "A pleasure." 

"Rosemarie has just returned from finishing school." Lady Carrick boasts, "Did you attend finishing school Lady Eliza?" 

"I did not." Eliza says, caught off guard, "Rosemarie is very lucky to have such an opportunity." 

Rosemarie looks down at the ground as her mother casts Eliza a disgusted look and carries on talking. "Indeed she is, as a mother I thought it was essential that my daughter has the best chance in life." 

"I agree," Jasper says, "When I have a daughter I will do anything to give her the best life, however, I am unsure whether sending her away for most of the year is a path I shall follow, for selfish reasons." 

Eliza turns a small laugh into a cough behind her hand at the look on Lady Carrick's face, a mixture of surprise and shock. #

"Good evening." Jasper bows and whisks Eliza away from the stunned Carrick family. 

The ballroom is awash with the festive spirit, red, gold and green tinsel have been wrapped around portraits and tables, twinkling candles are everywhere you look and the smell of mince pies and spiced wine wafts between the crowds of people. The orchestra plays upon a small stage, ladies skirts swirl as they dance with men in their finest Christmas suits. 

"You certainly made an impression," Eliza says as they walk between guests, people cast them glances as they walk. 

"She was insulting you." He bluntly replies, Eliza laughs. 

"Of course she was, tis her nature to belittle those she believes are inferior." She says accepting a glass of wine from a passing server, Jasper waves him away without picking up a glass. 

"But she was insulting you." He insists, "I didn't like it." 

"You always surprise me." She says, patting his arm and smiling. "Oh look there is my uncle with Charlotte and Thomas." 

They walk over and greet each other, Thomas hands Jasper a glass of whiskey and mutters out of the corner of his mouth. 

"They insist on only serving wine and champagne so I have snuck a bottle from Lord Carrick who seems to be struggling." 

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