Chapter 11

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Eliza laughs as the winds blow through her hair and flies around her as she gallops up the hill. James and Harrington canter after her but they cannot catch up with her horse's impressive pace. Captain draws to a halt on the top the hill. Eliza turns him around and waits for the men to catch up. The sky is a clear blue and for once the sun shines bright, the wind is light but ruffles the grass playfully.

"I have no Idea where we are," James admits looking around as he reaches the top behind his friend, Eliza laughs and points down the hill.

"That is where Ryddan Manor is, we just cut over the hills rather than through the town."

"Ah I see, it's very beautiful around here," James says admiring.

"Yes, it is." Eliza agrees happily. Harrington remains silent but clicks his horse to a walk and he moves down the hill, Eliza shoots James a questioning look but he simply shrugs and follows. Eliza nudges Captain to follow. The horses pick their way along the path to the house and their riders are silent. They ride down the path before long they can see in front of the house is a collection of horses and gentleman. Men are on the ground holding rifles and clinging to leads of dogs.

"We must be later than we thought," James says and he and Harrington go into a trot to reach the company. Eliza keeps Captain on a walk and watches them ride away from her, she spots her uncle and waves and he waves back.

Harrington sees Eliza's uncle on the steps, his man holds his horse and a rifle.

"Hello, Sir Benjamin." He nods his head.

"Duke Harrington." Benjamin smiles.

"Oi Jasper!" James shouts, he has dismounted and is with a group of men all chatting. Harrington jumps off and leads his horse over to them. James introduces the men as Lord Henry, Sir Anthony and Viscount William.

"Lads, Jasper here is engaged." James cries gleefully, a round of congratulation and praise is passed to Harrington who remains stone cold.

"So who's the lucky lass?" Henry asks. James points towards Eliza who is making her way towards the house slowly.

"Wow." William guffaws, "She's riding a horse!" The other men join in with the laughter.

"That's Lady Turner right?" Anthony says, "She's a real handful I've heard."

"Yes, a wild chit." Henry agrees fervently.

"Aw, lads she is lovely," James reassures looking nervously towards Jasper who is tight-lipped.

"You'll need a firm hand with her," Anthony says knowingly. "Straighten her out."

"Luckily she is beautiful," William says longingly staring at her.

"Gorgeous." Henry agrees.

Harrington's temper blazes as he fights to keep it under control. He can't stand these men eyeing and discussing Eliza, his fiance like a piece of meat. He tosses his reins to James and marches towards Eliza, the men whistle as he walks away.

Eliza watches Harrington interacting with the gentleman, she sees his body freeze up and frowns, the frown increases at the whistling and turns to confusion as Harrington storms towards her. She pulls Captain to a stop before him.

"Get down," Harrington demands.

"I am sorry?" Eliza says outraged at his tone.

"Dismount, Now!" He says when she doesn't move. Eliza just glares at him and shakes her head in disbelief.

"What's going...?" Harrington reaches up and grasps her waist tightly before lifting her down.

"What on earth?" Eliza struggles as he puts her down. "How dare you manhandle me?"

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