Chapter 44

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Eliza looks at the clock and stands up immediately, she sprints from the room, runs straight to the study and she flies through the doorway. Jasper looks up at her entrance in surprise, papers are all spread over his desk and there is a glass of whisky in his hand.

"I am going to walk into town." Eliza says breathlessly, "Do you want anything?"

He frowns, "Just get a servant to do your errand." He sips his whisky "What do you need?" His handsome face almost begs her to reveal the truth but she bites her tongue in rebellion.

"It's such a lovely day," She lies, "I fancy the walk."

He scrutinises her intensely and she holds her breath, her hand grips the door in a crushing grip.

"I'll see you later then." He says returning to his work.

Dismissed, Eliza shuts the door on him and hurries to the front door, she undoes the lock and skids outside almost falling off the front step in her haste. She pulls the door shut and then sprints down the driveway. She takes the short road to the town, luckily the day is bright and fairly mild so her lack of coat doesn't halt her progress but her shoes are thin and flimsy so she stumbles a few times on the gravel road but she manages to regain her balance and keep on running. Her lungs burn in her chest and her legs ache as she pushes her body to go faster and faster. Adrenaline courses through her veins and the sense of urgency make her ignore the stitch in her side or the stones in her shoes. She reaches the town in record time. She slows her pace as not to draw attention to herself, she waves at people who recognise her but quickly excuses herself when then stop to chat. She reaches the old stone building with glass windows and she sees a manned carriage on the front door but there is no sign or Cecily or James. Eliza checks to see if anyone is watching her before edging around the side of the church towards the back door. She finds the back door and tries to open it but it doesn't budge, she pulls with all her might but it doesn't move an inch.

"Eliza!" Cecily jumps out from behind a tree nearest the door, making her start suddenly.

"Cecily!" Eliza gasps and hugs her maid close.

"I thought you weren't coming!" Cecily frets over her shoulder.

"I only just received James's letter," Eliza explains as she pulls away.

"Are you angry?" Cecily's face twists with worry.

Eliza's forehead wrinkles, "Why would I be angry?" She asks.

"Because I am a maid and James is..."

"Do you love him?" She interrupts, impatiently.

"Yes, I really do." Cecily's expression is one of genuine love and admiration. "I know we don't belong together but...."

"Then you deserve to be happy together."

"No one else is going to agree." She says, upset.

"No," Eliza agrees darkly.

"Cecily!" James appears from the locked back door, he sees Eliza and lets out a sigh of relief. He pulls her into a hug and then releases her.

"I have to apologise for dragging you into this." He says, "I know Jasper is going to be livid when he finds out, I am sorry."

"I can handle him." Eliza lies reassuringly, the lie might have sprung easily to her lips but following through seems impossible.

"Thank you, Eliza, with all my heart." He says emotionally, Eliza just nods.

"The minister is ready and now that you're here we can begin." He tells them.

Cecily's face breaks into a massive smile and James takes her hand looking equally excited and happy. Watching them walk into the church and take their place next to each other makes Eliza feel slightly bitter. Her dear husband hasn't spent more than an hour with her this week and it's meant to be their honeymoon, he doesn't look at her with a loving eye, in fact, he hasn't spoken or acted on his feeling since his proclamation on the side of the road. Eliza clears her head of the jealous thoughts and watches her maid and her husband's best friend make vows of commitment and love and slide rings onto each other rings. The service, though short is beautiful and both Cecily and James shed a few tears. Eliza signs the marriage licence as a witness, though it feels like she is signing her death warrant. She can hear people's voices in her head as she does the final flick of her name, people warning her of the mess she is creating for herself, her husband and all of her family. Her mother always used to say "Never let your heart rule your head for it will be a curse to those you care."

She knows she is letting her heart take over but what sort of a person doesn't help two friends in love with the entire world against them?

"What happens now?" Eliza asks the newlyweds. James rubs Cecily's arm comfortingly and she leans her head on his shoulder.

"We will take the carriage outside to Scotland and wait until the scandal dies down or you create a new one." He replies. "We know it's going to be rough Eliza, we aren't blind in this matter."

"I know." She says, "I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, miss," Cecily says, she blushes as James kisses her cheek, he turns his gaze on Eliza.

"Tell Jasper I am sorry but..." He trails off unable to end.

"I will," Eliza promises to understand his meaning. Cecily and James hug her once each and then they walk hand in hand outside to where the carriage is, James helps his new bride in and climbs in after. They both lean out of the carriage and wave as the carriage whisks them away to Scotland. Eliza waves until the carriage are completely out of sight. Her heart constricts, it all happened so fast and now they are gone. She sets off to wander back to the house, her brain buzzes with thought. As she walks back to the house the consequences of her actions create an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of her stomach. She picks up sticks from the ground and snaps them as she trails up the driveway.

"Eliza!" Jasper calls her name, she looks up and sees him on the top step of the steps and her heart drops, does he already know? She speeds up her pace.

"Yes?" She asks as she reaches him, her heart beating like lighting.

"Would you like to go on a ride?"

"A ride?" She stutters, relief washing over her, all the tension drains out of her shoulders and neck.

"You said it was a beautiful day, it would be a shame to waste it." He explains, "Cook made us a picnic too."

"That would be lovely." She says smiling. "I just need to change into a habit."

"Of course, I'll tack the horses and organise the picnic." Jasper smiles brightly at her.

"Great." Eliza whirls past him.

"Oh, how was your trip?" Jasper calls after her, she freezes but doesn't turn around.

"Fine thank you." She replies and walks into the house before he can answer, she goes into their bedroom and sinks onto the floor. The guilt of keeping the secret of James and Cecily's nuptials is going to harder than she expected.

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