Chapter 32

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If Eliza could speak she would struggle to grasp some words in the English language that can explain her feelings. However, as her tongue are currently lodged in her throat so she simply stares straight forward, unseeing. Jasper shifts on his knee, he realises that springing his confession on her like that may not have been the wisest idea but with the words of his chest her feels lighter than ever before.

"You love me?" Her voice sounds forgiven in her mind and the words taste funny.

"I do," Jasper replies.

"But you're Jasper Harrington, you call me a minx and you think I wear drab dresses." She splutters.

"That is true."

"But the gossip..." Eliza says her eyes wide.

"Hush," Jasper gets to his feet and takes her hand in his. "The only people whose opinions matter to me are my mother's and she adores you, my sister's and possibly James's."

Eliza struggles to process the words as she mouths words. Jasper waits patiently for his shocked wife to say anything, it soon becomes clear what he is waiting for isn't going to happen soon. 

"We should return, your uncle will be worried." He says.

"I doubt it, he isn't exactly thrilled with me." She finally speaks.

"I wouldn't worry." He reassures, "But we should return."

Eliza nods and hoists herself back onto the horse, Jasper climbs up behind her and wraps his hands around her waist to take hold of the reins. The horse trots on and the bouncy pace makes Eliza leans deeper in his hold.

"We don't tell anyone then?" She asks, referring to the wedding.

"No," Jasper replies curtly, he isn't happy that people will think she isn't married.

"Do you forgive me for running?" Eliza asks suddenly.

"Do you forgive me for leaving you?" He counters.

"Of course, I was never angry about that."

"I wasn't angry either, just scared."

Eliza shivers and flinches as the wind bites her skin, Jasper notices immediately. 

"We must get you back before you catch a chill." He urges his horse into a canter, the countryside sails by and the hedges and trees turn into a green blur. Quickly Ryddan Manor appears in the skyline, the crunch of the gravel against the horse's hooves slices through the air, Eliza leans her head against his shoulder as they canter up the courtyard. She jumps down as soon as they stop, Jasper follows and he leads his horse to the fence, he knots the reins and strokes her main lovingly. Eliza walks over to them and strokes the mare's face.

"What's her name?" She asks as the horse snots.

"Rose." Jasper says, "My father bought her for me when I turned 18."

"She's beautiful."


"My father bought Captain for me when I was 12."

"Captain Shakespeare the third is quite an unusual name."

Eliza looks at him in surprise, he remembers the name of her horse though she only mentioned it once.

"Named for your love of Shakespeare?"

"Oh yes, I wanted him to have a name that is grand after all he is a grand horse and." She explains, "None of his characters seemed to fit so I chose his name.

"Indeed he is majestic."

"Shall we go inside?" Eliza suggests the cold is still nipping at her.

"Of course." Jasper offers her his arm and she takes it. They walk up the steps to the front door, he goes to knock but Eliza just turns the handle and pushes the door open, it is her house after all.

"I have a question."

"Yes?" She shuts the door and locks it.

"Who inherits this house after the passing of your uncle?"

"Oh, I am not aware actually. I think I have a great cousin somewhere who will claim it."

"Don't you want it?" He asks.

"I have never really thought about it." She confesses looking around the hall at all the portraits and paintings.

"Think about it, we may be able to obtain it."

"Long while in the future I hope." Benjamin shuffles into the hall holding several books and a newspaper.

"Hopefully sir," Jasper says politely.

"Eliza, Lady Harrington placed a few boxes in your room," Benjamin informs her. "Dresses I think."

She frowns, she is under the impression that the dresses would take time to make but then she remembers the cream boxes on the back of the carriage back in town so perhaps not.

"Harrington, you must join me in my study for a glass of port." He says, "Shall I lead the way?"

"Thank you, sir," Jasper says and he follows him from the hall with a reassuring glance back at Eliza who doesn't think this is an innocent drink.

She watches them vanish down the corridor and is in half a mind to follow them. Deciding that it is best for her uncle to not become more annoyed at her she goes up the staircase to her room. She opens the door and on her made bed there are three cream boxes of various sizes. She removes the lid of the biggest one and gasps. An ivy silk veil with a golden stitched border sits neatly in the box, she lifts the material up, it is floor length and as light as air, it glows in the mid-light. Charlotte must have chosen one for her, even though she had no intention of wearing one originally. She folds the veil up not nearly as neatly as before and replaces the lid. She picks up the book side box and looks inside. Upon a velvet cushion, a diamond tiara twinkles back at her, silver jewels are set in ivy plant design and in the middle, there is a glowing white diamond. She tentatively picks up the tiara and turns it over in her hands, it is heavier than expected, she runs her fingers over the detailing and slowly places it on her head, she looks at it in the mirror and her heart thumps in her chest. She quickly puts it back in the box, not liking the realisation that is setting in, she is a wife and duchess.

The last is the size of a ring box but this one is tied with a blue ribbon. She opens the box and there is a folded piece of parchment on top, she places the box back on the bed and opens it up.

"A small wedding present, I am proud of you, mi amour"

Eliza recognises the loopy writing instantly and her heart beats faster than before. She slowly looks inside the box, a ring sits inside, a simple golden band with a blood red ruby in a white gold case. It's her mother's ring. The one she asked her husband to buy her for their wedding, it is surprisingly cheap by Eliza's mother's standard but it meant the world to her, a beautiful sad memory. She slides the ring on to her finger and rotates it around. She thought her mother was in France, she left and Eliza hasn't seen her in 7 years.

It was a dull Monday afternoon three months after Eliza and her mother moved in with Benjamin and she was playing in the garden, a few friendly robins flew around her and she chased them over the garden. Benjamin came out holding a letter in his hand. Eliza stopped playing immediately and ran over to him. He explained to her that her mother had left for Paris with no intention of returning. Eliza would learn the contents of that letter a few years later, it was a short paragraph explain where her mother was going and asking if Benjamin could look after her only daughter, no apology or plea for forgiveness. It took her a while but Eliza realised she didn't need
a mother, especially one that abandons her after her sister's and father's death.

Eliza stares at the gleaming ring and a hatred boils up inside her, she rips it off and goes to throw it out of the open window. She halts with her arm in the air, the jewels sparkle back at her. She drops the ring back into its box and shuts it, she places the box behind a photograph on the fireplace. She will keep it for now. A thought springs into her mind as she walks to the living room. How did her mother know about the wedding and worst of all, is she back?

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