Chapter 34

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If Eliza Turner was told six months ago that she would soon be marrying one of the most notorious and powerful dukes in England she would have been worried about their mental health. However the events of the last month have led up to this occasion and here Eliza stands in her gorgeous gown, her hair braided up of her neck, two diamond earrings dangling down and the veil and tiara on top. Her cheeks and lips are rouged and her skin has been roughly scrubbed until polished. Cecily spent the entire morning preparing and preening until every aspect of her appearance could not be faulted. She is due to arrive at St Thomas Church at 11 and the time is 10:23, therefore, she is allowing herself a few moments before she climbs into the carriage with Charlotte, Benjamin and Charlotte's father.

Every corner of this wedding has been checked and checked again, every flower is in place. An issue Charlotte had encountered with organising thus double wedding was that the aisle was only wide enough for two people to walk down but after plenty of arguing from Charlotte and Elizabeth the vicar agreed to move the pews to create enough space for all four. Guests will have been arriving since 9, only 50 or so for the actual wedding and then about another 100 for the wedding party held at Thomas's house.

Eliza stares at her reflection and focuses on her bare hands unlike her best friend who opted for gloves she has left her hands uncovered, soon Jasper is going to slide a ring onto finger and marry her....again. The room next door to hers is where Charlotte is currently getting ready, she spent the night at Ryddan Manor and the two girls had a girls night together. Eliza knocks on the door, a few seconds later Cecily opens the door, her face pink and panicked.

"What's the matter?" Eliza asks her, Cecily steps to the side to reveal Charlotte who is sitting in front of a mirror, on the verge of crying.

"Charlotte, what is wrong?" She rushes up to her.

She holds up her veil, "It caught on a pin and it ripped." There is a massive tear in the material. "I can't get married without a veil....." She takes a shuddering breath.

"Here." Eliza begins to unpin her tiara from her head, she then undoes the pins holding the veil on to her hair, she passes the veil to Charlotte, "You can wear mine."

"But this is your veil," She protests.

"I don't need one, besides it will look better on you anyway."

"Thank you." Charlotte begins to tear up.

"Cecily, please help Charlotte," Eliza asks moving aside so her maid can pin the veil down. She crouches down so she can see her head in Charlotte's mirror as she repins her ruby tiara on to her head. Cecily successful attaches the veil to a ballerina bun so it falls over her face.

"There, you look perfect," Eliza says.

"Thank you, Eliza," Charlotte says staring at her reflection in the mirror, the perfect bride.

"Miss?" Cecily holds up an ivory headpiece to wrap around the bun,

"Oh yes," she glances at the clock, "We need to hurry."

"Don't worry we have plenty of time." Eliza reassures "I'll be downstairs when you are ready."

She leaves them and walks down the staircase, careful not catch anything. Her satin shoes sit by the edge of the step, she slips them on, thankfully the heal is small so her feet will survive the day.


She looks up to see her uncle all dressed up and making his way to her.

"What do you think?" She twirls for him.

"You look lovely." He says gruffly.

"Thank you." She replies pleased.

"I have something for you." He says reaching into his jacket, he pulls out a little box and hands it to her, she takes it intrigued. She opens the box and a small silver bracelet with a dark sapphire sits on a black cushion.

"Your something blue." Benjamin explains, "I thought you could wear it."

"Uncle it's beautiful." She slips the bracelet onto her wrist. "Thank you."

A tear leaks from his eye and he wipes it away. "Your father would be so proud, I wish he was here to see what an accomplished and stunning woman you have become."

"I wish he was here too." Eliza whispers, "But I have you."

Benjamin sniffs and hugs his niece tightly to his chest, "I love you."

"I love you too."

They break apart and Benjamin quickly turns to hide his tears.

"I should go wait in the carriage with Charlotte's father." He excuses himself and leaves the house.

Eliza admires her bracelet for a few more minutes, the blue sapphire is so dark it almost appears black, it's in the shape of a raindrop and the chain is thin intertwined silver.

"I am ready," Charlotte announces as she flies down the stairs not containing her excitement. Cecily follows her, she is invited to the wedding as well as the entire of servants of Ryddan Manor.

"I've got to be off." She says, "Good luck ladies." She speeds away to the servants quarters to catch a ride with the chef who hasn't left yet.

"Do you have yours?" Charlotte's asks opening a small jewellery bag and producing a diamond necklace.

"Yes." Eliza reaches for the ivory purse on the side chest and pulls out a creamy pearl necklace.

Something borrowed, they swap necklaces and place them around their necks.

"Eliza, before we go, I have something to say," Charlotte says nervously. "I know you had a sister but I have never had proper on and what I am trying to say is that you're my sister." She finishes in a rush.

"Charlotte, of course, you're my sister," Eliza says confused. Her face lights up and she looks even more beautiful.

"Oh damnation," She notices the clock, "We need to go."

Charlotte also glances at the clock, "Last check." She does a twirl.

"Perfect," Eliza says.

"And you?"

"I am not really a checking person."

"That's true."Charlotte rolls her eyes.

Outside the sky is a dark grey and thick clouds threaten rain. Eliza follows Charlotte into the carriage, the journey to the church is only a short 15 minutes but they are already behind time, Benjamin bangs on the driver's wall and shouts "Hurry man."

The horses jolt into a fast trot and then into a canter, the carriage pulls them out of Ryddan Manor and down country lanes. They are getting married in the second biggest church in London, people on the streets wave and throw petals as the carriage trundles towards the wedding. They arrive at the church at 7 minutes to 11, Eliza and Charlotte as ushered out of the carriage to where Penny is waiting with three bunches of roses.

"Where are the other bridesmaids?" Eliza asks accepting a bouquet from Penny.

"I forgot to tell you, your aunt worked wonders on my mother so we only have Penny." Charlotte gushes excitedly.

"Well, those cousins and sister of yours are not suitable for any wedding," Elizabeth grumbles. "You are late by the way."

"We know, we're sorry." Benjamin apologises checking his watch, his aunt ignores him and turns to the girls.

"This is how it is going to work, I will tell the musicians to start, Penny, count to ten and then enter." She faces Eliza and Charlotte, "You two count to ten after that and then you walk in too, are we all clear?"

"Great," Elizabeth nods to the doormen and they open it for her. The doors remain open and they all peak inside, from the sides they can see drapes and roses. Eliza's heart beats fast in her chest, the music starts and Penny counts on her fingers, when she gets to ten she steps forward and walks down the aisle. Charlotte hurriedly pushes everyone into place. Her father on her left, Eliza on her right and Benjamin on Eliza's right.







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